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Flashback part 3***


Years passed by, as my business worked well as well as my relationship between my friends.

Sometimes i have to spent my time watching clouds or playing shoji with Shikamaru, and making doroyaki specially for Choji. Meeting up with Naruto, and let him have a meal in my house or at his.

I sometimes making a sandwich full of tomato for Sasuke, but now once in a month only. After the massacre which i saw in my vision. But he still dont know about my ability, just the hokage and some other trusted jounin.

As for shopping, Ino Yamanaka is my company. I was annoyed by her loud mouth but she is good friend, though. While we are together, she always tell me about how good is Sasuke, how mysterious he is, how handsome and etc. but still she is a good company.

So back to the business..... i came to school because i think Naruto forgot to come in my shop for his lunch. And i as well bring a special sandwich for one and only Uchiha, the Academy heartthrob and no. 1 in rank.

As soon as i reach the door, i saw a brunette hair guy with a line on his nose. "Excuse me, can i ask something?" I said and smiled to him. "Y-yes, of course what is it?" He stutters.

Actually I remember him, he was the guy who yelled at Naruto when he was eating at my shop and try to hide from someone because of the graffiti in the hokage stone  faces.

"Im Chiyuko by the way, i was just asking if where is Naruto Uzamaki's room. He forgot his lunch that i made for him." I said and bow. "Oh. That just turn to right and in first door that his room. Actually, I'm his Sensei. Iruka Umino."

"Nice to meet you, Iruka-Sensei. Im glad he has kind teacher as you. I will go now. Thank you for the instruction." I said and go straight to their room.

The room was loud, full of chattering about Sasuke there and Sasuke here. And it's quite annoying.

"Hey! Naru!" I called out Naruto, which he was shock about me coming to the academy. "Chiyuko-chan, you're here." He said. "No dobe, its just an illusion. Of course she's here." Sasuke said shock everyone. Heh. First time hearing Sasuke talk other than "Hn".

"You forgot the bento, so i brought it to you. As well as you Sasuke, your favorite." I said and showed the bento in cover. "And this is a Tomato juice for ya, and Naruto this is a lemonade for ya."

"Hey! Who are you?! And what do you know about Sasuke? Do you like Sasuke?!" A pink haired girl asked. When i look into her eyes, i saw a future at her, she and Naruto about a bright future. "For the first question, I am Chiyuko Samara. Second question, i know a lot about him more than you know, and for the last, i like Sasuke. He is brother to me. Not if he wants more than." I said and smile.

"Stop now Yuko, you're only making things worse." Sasuke grunt.

"Yeah, and teme, Chiyuko-chan will never fall in love with you, ya know!! Impossible!"

"Aww, Chiyuko, what about me?" Choji asked. "Okay, at lunch ill give you a new recipe of mine. Is that okay, Choji?"

"Okay. I can't wait for the lunch."

"What a drag. Troublesome woman what are doing here?" Shikamaru asked. "Let's just say, i also miss you, shika."

Oh did i forgot to tell you, that shikamaru and i are together, and exchange ring and necklace. Ring from him, a promise ring that he will marry me. And a necklace from me, that had a barrier protector if needed for him to use. His parents also about us. Hehe.

A story of my FIRST LOVE [[ShikamaruXReader]]Where stories live. Discover now