Kabuto vs Chiyuko... Horror in Kakashi's eyes

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Flashback part 9


Chiyuko's POV

As soon as i get back, my team yelled at me for going back without saying something until my clone pouf out.

I tell them about my mission, half of it and what happens in the forest while ago. And they said they understand. I excuse myself to report and tell the hokage everything.


After reporting, our team was given a time to rest. As i meditate inside and wait until the another team came.

Five days passed, and the team seven arrived. Full of scratches, and Sakura's hair become short. And still remain in my disguise form. We keep in line as the another proctor said that this phase will be the preliminary phase.

The first to fight me as Yu Sato and Kabuto Yakushi.

Kakashi's POV

I can't believe it. She look like Rin.

"Start" Hayate said as the jump back and prepare their weapons. "You can do it, Yu!" Sakura shouted. "You know her Sakura?" Naruto asked. "She's the one, why we're alive Naruto, she save us from that Orochimaru." She said.

"What do you mean Sakura?" I ask and look at her. "Sensei, she go to Orochimaru one on one. And she came back, without that curse mark or serious injuries." She said.

As i look back at the fight. I saw Kabuto say something to her, that made her eyes widen and caught her off guard. Kabuto's hand surround a green light. "Yu! You can do it!" Sakura shouted.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STANDING THERE?! WAKE UP YOU MORON!" Her teammate shouted. But, Yu Sato was caught by her own world. Kabuto choose this as opportunity and stab her in the chest.


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STANDING THERE?! WAKE UP YOU MORON!" Her teammate shouted. Yu was taken back from reality. She saw Kabuto's hand try to dodge it, she's late. She's too late.

Blood came out from her mouth, first she's shock. Then a laugh came out from nowhere.

"Rin" a soft voice could be heard from a sensei. The memory of the past came back as it was foreplay by other person in front of him. Same scene to how a leaf nin struck his hand out to her fellow comrade. His hand grips the rail and any time soon it could be destroy.

The feature of the girl fighting changed from short brown hair to long silver hair, eyes change from brown to sea foam, skin color from a little darker to fair white skin. "Chiyu!!" Naruto called her name. Caught a certain Nara heir attention. His blood boils to see that the one he loved was nearly killed. But, he was wrong. No, they were wrong.

"You think, you win? Because you struck me out." A soft voice said. "But you're wrong." Yu said like a venom. She kick Kabuto in his abdomen, as he was thrown, his hand was freed from his chest. She smirk as she stretched. "Now i know who really are, the game begins right now. You will pay, you and your master. I'll kill you. Hear that OROCHIMARU. I know you're here, but which one." She said demonically. Her voice send shivers to their spine, but more caught them his name.

Kabuto came back from the being kicked. And got himself ready. But something really bothers them, a blood from Yu Or Chiyuko's cloth gone as her upper body heals. "I'll show you the payment of making me furious than ever. My mission ends here. As you will die." She get a scroll and summons it.

A group of puppets could be seen. "Remember their face, the family, my family! Orochimaru!! I'll kill you and i will set example to him." She said as the puppet float, all of them.

The fight begins again, but more of a killing intent.

Sounds of the katana, kunai and any other weapon could be heard, as Kabuto tried himself to survive such power from a little girl.

But as soon as the katana nearly struck out to his body it stops as the other fell down. "I... surrender." She said as she seals the puppets again. "I may not kill you right now, but i will. The day i prove you're a traitor." She said quietly the last three words, that only Kabuto could heard.

Naruto jumped out the railing and help her out. The medic came to look for her injuries, miraculously the injury was gone, help, didn't even leave a scar. The power of Samara, to heal itself without using chakra.

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