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Flashback part 5***


Chiyuko's POV

After telling Shikamaru about my abilities and past. Something changed. Not us. Not our relationship. But the future hold. I saw some glimpses of the future, but changes every second, like every decision i make holds a great responsibility to what will happen.

This make me think that i made a wrong decision for telling Shikamaru— no, i think it's alright. It's just, maybe someone heard, they will use it against me, against Naruto.

Third POV

From thinking so much, she doesn't realize that someone was in front of her and bump to a red head ninja. She feel, but save by a sand holding her up. Gasps could be heard around her.

She open her eyes, as it falls to the red head. Unknown to her, she or rather herself talk without thinking. "Let him rest for now, Shukaku or I'll really hunt you down." Her eyes widen as she put her to mouth. "Sorry." She says again. And awkwardly scratching the back of her neck.

The sand put her down, gently. As they continue to walk like nothing just happen.

But soon as they left, her eyes crystallize it's color and a memory shows to her, a memory of a Gaara of the sand. A tear flickers, as soon as her eyes back to original color.

The team seven, especially Naruto came, and hug her. Asking if she's okay, if she's hurt, like a older brother always do. A smile spread to her lips, as she nod. "Im okay. Thank you, it's just i saw his past, a horrible past." She said quietly in the last, but Naruto could hear it.


They departed as soon as an Anbu came for Chiyuko. Asking her to com wto the Hokage's Tower, as Naruto and his team to their d-rank missions.

Chiyuko's POV

"You call me Lord Hokage." The hokage stand up and place the front of his table a leaf headband. "As of today, you will become a ninja of the Leaf, and get your original rank, as a Jounin. Congratulations. " he said and smiled. "Thank you lord hokage."

"As for your mission, inside the village a b-rank mission, you must hide your identity and enter the Chunin Exam as a genin, and find any suspicious that may lead to Orochimaru." He said as my throat dried up hearing that name.

The reason, im here and weren't with my family. The akatsuki.

A story of my FIRST LOVE [[ShikamaruXReader]]Where stories live. Discover now