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Flashback part 1***


An elder of the Samara clan saw in the future, about a child from another world would come into this world and bring light to one who in the darkness.

But to safely arrive, they need a body of a baby to be a new host of this. Elders of the clan decide to choose their successor, Yuriko Samara.

5 months passed...

They get Yuriko married to an ordinary member of the clan, named Shirou Samara.

The day before their marriage, Yuriko saw something in the future about meeting a man with yellow-haired and bright blue eyes. Due to her episodes, she was kidnapped by a man named Orochimaru. But saved by a guy named Minato Namikaze.

Due to the damages they get, they stay for one week in the forest from nowhere. But, the time for arrival soon, and Yuriko don't have a choice but to choose the man next to him as someone who could give her a child as a vessel of the incoming soul.

He let him drink an aphrodisiac and hours after she do a Jutsu to forget what happened to them, the day after, she thank him for helping her and leave as nothing happened.

In her return, she tells the elders about giving her to a man that saves her. And she thought that it would stop to marry her to someone she didn't love.

But they continue the wedding, as the husband knows about the life inside her. He accepted it fully and warmly.

After 9 months the child was delivered, and next the light surrounded her, like her mother. She had the same seafoam eye color, pale skin, and light citrus lip. But her hair color was a blended color of yellow and silver-haired. They named her.... Chiyuko Samara.

2 years passed....

The young Chiyuko, saw an phenomenon, that can cause the whole clan perish. Through that message, the elders train some of the young Samara to learn swordsmanship and jutsus.

Unexpected to them, the young lad was also a prodigy of the clan Samara. In a short time, she managed to acknowledge new jutsus or techniques.

And to swordsmanship.... she still can't lift a sword so the instructor only let her use a wooden sword.

3 years old....

At the kitchen of the Samara clan Household, full of awes the members, servants can say, as the young Chiyuko holding the knife and chop vegetables and meat cleanly.

A moment later, the food was prepared correctly, meal to dessert.

As beautiful it was designed as tasty it is.
"Tou-sama, Kaa-sama. I made this for you." She said happily as she handed it.

Smiles form to their faces as they want to share another important news. "Chiyu, your having a baby brother." Her mother said as she put her hands to her belly. "I'm going to be a sister. Tou-sama! I'm going to be a big sister. Haha"

7 years old....

To her advance knowledgeable and talent, she becomes a chunin, and months later become a jounin.

She becomes a captain to a 4 man team and immediately goes on a mission to infiltrate a nation.

The good news is... they complete the mission, and the bad news is.... on the way home, her team was killed by a masked man.

The masked man let her live and bury her team but made a deal 'You will live, and when I come back you will join my team. Or more people you love will die.'

A tear escaped from her eyes, as she doubt herself for living as a total burden.

As she look up at the sky, she saw a bright yellow light of the sun, her eyes showed a ring light and turn into snowflakes.

She stop her track as she saw a young boy, same age— she thinks.

"I will become a Hokage, so everyone in the village will respect me and become an important, very important person!" He yelled as it showed his cheeky smile, great pair to his bright yellow hair.

After the episodes, she hurriedly came back home and report the bad news to everyone.

The Funeral happen after...

She talked to her parents about what happened and share her thoughts, as they lighten her up.

"Kaa-Sama, Tou-sama, I saw in my episodes a boy, with bright yellow hair and blue eyes, do you know what it means?" She changes the topic as her parent's eyes widen. 'So the time comes.' They thought as they prepare themselves for their daughter's reaction.

"Sweetie, I have to tell you. Very important. And I'm gonna start from the start. The Samara Clan, known as a clan to see the future or vision of the future. And when I was at my 19 years old, I saw something unbelievable. A child, from another world, came to this place as she was named the Heroin Shadows. And in a few months, I will marry your father so that after a year the child will safely arrive, but we need a vessel for that. A body of an infant. A before I could marry your father, I was kidnapped by a man named Orochimaru for his purpose to obtain my eyes and our jutsus. Luckily I was saved by a man, as for my vision I saw he is the father of the hero in the light. He was injured because of helping me so I stayed up for a week to heal him, as a thank you for rescuing me. But the time is near for the child's arrival so I need to do it to him, as I put something on his drink. I was guilty but if it means to help someone I'll do it. I perform a Jutsu to erase his memory of that night and ran off leaving only a message. I came back with the news of carrying a baby in my womb, and thankful that you're father fully accepted me even though. Nine months after, the child was born and you came as child from prophecy the Hero of shadow. Only our clan knows, even in your 7 years old, you have an older soul. As for what you saw from your episode he is your half-brother. And it's time for you to be there for him. As a shadow, you will only show, and become a darker shadow as long as you lighten up your brother to reach the word peace and make it a reality. You are from prophecy, that helps the one. And I know, we know, and believe you can do it. Just remember, when you saw the death of a person, never help. Their death will also be your death." She said.

The news shocked Chiyuko, not only did she discover that they know from the start about her but also, the truth that her father is not her real father.

"Kaa-sama, Tou-sama. Arigato. For accepting me, and loving me. Thank you so much. I promise I will bring the word peace." She said as she hugged them as her 4 years old brother came and join.

Never in her mind that someone will come back and destroy her happiness and all.

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