Ch 27 - Search

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With the story with Pops up in the air, it may be time to talk to Rias. And Howie is meeting everyone downstairs. Haha... Anyone wonder how they going to act?

If anyone hasn't watch Sword In The Stone with Merlin, Arthur, and Archimedes I highly recommend. The owl did give me a good reference and I can thank my ex-girlfriend the one and only Lady Rel for that one. Cheers people, let's get it.



You, Asia, and Howie left your bedroom and walked downstairs. Everyone was either in the living room or kitchen. With Howie about to tell everyone he can talk, this was only going to be the most hilarious moments of the week. Who would react the best? Issei? Koneko? Xenovia? Very interesting to say the least.

Howie flew down and landed on the arm of the sofa in front of Issei. This should be good. He doesn't expect it at all. You and Asia know, but Issei is about to find out. Now there is where the fun begins.

"Hey Howie. How's it going?" Said Issei sitting back on the sofa.

"Splendid." Howie smiled. 

"WHAT!?" He jumped and fell off the couch. 

"Happy landings?" Howie shrugged. Followed by a good laugh. "Hoo-hoo-hoo that was good."

Xenovia was processing this as she was a meter away from Issei's spot on the sofa. "My goodness. Another talking creature?"

"Indeed Miss Xenovia. Good day. Yes I'm owl like every other one yet with magic. I hunt, I sleep, and do everything else." Howie then looked at Koneko curling up into a ball. "No need to worry Miss Koneko. I'm not mindless in my hunting. Though you and I can have some proper fish some time." That made her smile. 

You looked at him. "Wow Howie. You know how to make an entrance." 

"I am a proper gentleman in an animal body. Not some made up cartoon."

"Something else but, moving on. Right? Let's see how the other girls are doing." The three of you walk in as Rias and Akeno are having tea together and discussing business. "Girls, you hearing the commotion?"

Howie flew over and landed on the edge of the table. "Good day Ladies."

"My." Akeno smiled. "He can talk? How long have you been holding out on me Howie?"

"Even (FN) too Miss Akeno. If I spoke the first day I met him I would wager that them being together wouldn't be the same."

"I could see that. But how do you think they are?" Asked Rias.

"It's natural. Nothing is forced. I can say it's an organic relationship Lady Rias."

Rias smiled. "Well that's a good thing. So, did you just come here to introduce yourself? Or is there something else on your mind?"

"Actually Rias, I wanted to talk to you about a church that you know about. Apparently my father attended that church on a very serious note. Heavily involved. And I hate to disrupt everything, but I think he's dead. I just want confirmation." You laid it down and watched Rias take a gulp of tea before processing her thoughts. 

"So you believe something from your mother?" Asking to make sure everything was right.

"Why would someone finding religion leave their woman and child behind? Does that make any sense? It's not a cult, it's a church. But when Fallen Angels are involved, I question it. It just seems to me that current things aren't right."

Rias sighed. "I will research and see if I can gather everything. But do you remember his name?"

"Kyayta Mucsuo."

"I will do what I can. In the mean time we will start food in a little bit. Akeno and Xenovia are working on a specialty. I'm eager myself."


Inside a bath house sat many female Devils as they were in the bath doing some deep thinking. It was in Sona's house as her best friend and Queen Tsubaki was beside her. Rias was facing in front of her with all of the girls from her House present. But while Koneko, Xenovia, and even Akeno were kicking back, Rias and Asia had a serious look on their faces. Rias and Sona meant business. 

"So, what's the hard thing to gather at the moment?" Asked Sona. 

"When you think of that heavy Fallen Angel church, what is the first thing you think of? Any names by any means? It wouldn't be wise to go there and ask. A battle will just ensue. It would be in everyone's best interests to avoid conflict if possible." Rias let Sona know that this is her game. By the book. Her specialty. 

"Names? You want me to find a name?"

"Kyayta Mucsuo."

"We might be able to have someone call the church. But someone in attendance to the church means something to one to your House?" Sona was figuring where this was going. "There a reason?"

Asia spoke up. "My, boyfriend," She blushed. "Thinks his father is dead. He wants to know the truth."

"Huh." Sona nodded. "Older I take it. Understood. Good luck with the boy as well."

"Thank you so much. I feel happy when it's me, him, and Howie. It's like a family." Asia gasped. "Sorry, getting ahead of myself."

"None taken. You seem happy. But it looks like even I have to dig deep to see where this man's record is. Though with a name, you never know. But he wouldn't go out on his own right?"

"No. I told him we're a team. He said he wouldn't. (FN) should know better and Howie wouldn't let him do that. Asia was having it hard to relax in the bath if that is going to be the topic. 

"Easy now. Shoulder massage and lay back. We will take good care of you Asia. Your boyfriend will be fine. We told him he would take care of it and he has been in a great mindset. I feel pretty good about this. How about you? This feel good on your end?" Rias wanted Asia to be stress free in the bath. Especially since you were at home kicking back. Though I want to say he is on the right track. Just thrilled he isn't getting out of hand.


Keep your promise to Asia.


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