Ch 7 - Transparent

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What's your Sacred Gear?



You look at your hands are they just aren't there. Feeling them as you tighten your fists and continuously move down. Legs gone too. "What the hell!?"


"Woah!" Gasped Issei. 

"Wait so, you can't see me? Not an outline? Nothing? You can't see my clothes right?" Just making sure this is real.

"You're invisible. That's that." Nodded Akeno.

"Jessibel sixth sense." Pondered Rias.

"Isn't that a girl's name?" You asked. Then you feel your body under a wave. Your nerves feel as if an ocean wave from the tide hit you. Without the wetness of course. You appear visible again. "Woah. Uh, how does this all work here?"

"Your emotions and your magic effect your ability."

"Oh yeah. I have magic. Right. I forgot about that. I'm learning here." You chuckle.

"Well hey at least Xenovia didn't chase you with a sword until your ability came around." Rias looked over at her edgy Knight.

"This is true." And she didn't deny it of course. Note to self. Watch out for Xenovia.

"Being attacked by a giant sword to see if I can function. What is this? Communist Russia?"

"She has been kind to me. Best not to worry." Eased Asia.

"I trust you. I was just making a point. Thank you Asia."

"You're welcome." Asia's smile just glows.

That blonde hair and bright smile just makes the room better. The energy can change. Seeing that makes you feel better about yourself. Along with your ego already high as is. You moved into a mansion, got your mother out of a shack, and you can turn invisible. "So what's next? Hand to hand? Magic?"

"Tomorrow I will see if there is a pact waiting for you. There is assignments for homework which we'll do a study party for after dinner. Until then I want you to gather yourself. Your mindset is very important. I cannot stress that enough. When your emotions change so can your power. It also goes user to user. If you cannot focus and are unstable, there is chance that the invisibility can not work at all. In fact, imagine it disables at the wrong time. For training purposes and to help you ease in the new life here is my assignment. Grab yourself a water, a tea, or something relaxing and have a meditation session. Something to have you kick back."

You quickly think about it. Sounds pretty good. "Kick back? Okay."

"Anything else?"

"I think I'll try it. Use the bathroom, grab something cold, and we are in business. Though can I get a teleport back to the manor and go from there?" You ask.

"Certainly. I'll have someone check on you later."


You get back to your room and you are getting something to fit the mood. Not sleeping because that would be easier, but a place to chill in the corner by the door and gather your mind. Nothing too hipster, just practical.

Maybe when I get magic under wraps I'll use it to light some candles and make some sort of mini waterfall. Something peaceful. Without burning or flooding the place. That's kind of messed up. Ruining the place and messing up the whole program my first couple days. You chuckle to yourself and get comfortable.

As you set up a pillow on the floor with your back against wall you find that center inside of your inner being. Lights are out and then there is this energy flowing. Your chi? Something with a life force. This is where you are finding it. And this is where you stand with it. Well, sit.

Meanwhile Akeno has come back from her assignment and reported to Rias' desk at the ORC. "I'm back."

"So you are." Smiled Rias.

"Yeah. So tell me, how's the new boy? You beat it out of him? Flirt with him and make him squirm without me?" She giggled.

"A good scare actually. It's invisibility. I sent him home to the manor to focus on meditation. He is good hands. Doubtful he's doing something unusual. The way this is going have good hopes. He isn't Issei or Kiba but something unique to this. It's a breath of fresh air."

"Good scare? Did you sick Xenovia on him?"

"The threat was enough."

"You're so bad. Hehe. I'll be back. I'm going to check in on the boy. See how he's doing." Akeno teleported yet again the manor. Seems that everyone was doing their own thing. Koneko was in the living room reading a book, two girls were in the kitchen, and then she walked up the stairs. "You want a piece of me? Hehe. I can give you something to concentrate on." She giggled to herself. Akeno went to your door and found that the lights were out. Cracking the door she didn't want to hit the switch. Instead she used her magic. A little lightning in the hand can't hurt.

You sat there in the same spot in the zone. Not recognizing that she even entered the room. Your state was possibly not in this realm. Though Akeno looked around to see you in a much different place than she predicted.

I'm surprised he's not in bed. That's where I would be to rest up and get my emotions together. Possibly snuggle with one of the girls for three night. Though he is definitely new at womanly affection. Has he even noticed I've been here? Kneeling down next to you she looked at your face. Relaxed but not asleep at a full rest. "Newbie?" She whispered.

No response by you. This meditation trick must have really done it's job. Now only to go to a real waterfall and stack rocks on the land.

Wakey wakey new guy. You boy, have lessons to learn. Starting with me.


Akeno... please be gentle. The boy is inexperienced. You've had your men in my books so easy on this one.


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