Ch 13 - Hoo and What?

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Let's bring it to a friend.



You had a weekend day on your hands. The last few days have been relieving if anything. After going to the shrine, you have put a new concept on things. Treading water lightly in comparison where you watched your back with every step. But there had to be more to it. Just had to be knowing Rias and Akeno seemed to be a little vague about it. 

After getting dressed you head downstairs. It looks like the girls have gotten a letter. "Hey there sleepyhead. Sleep well after everything?" Called Akeno.

You take your time getting down the stairs and sit back on the couch. "A fine night. Meditation for like two hours and ended up going to sleep. Woke up an hour later and then got comfortable before actually going to bed."

"I feel that you caught up on sleep." Put in Rias.

"Never slept eight hours before. You know how it goes."

"I can see it in your eyes. No bags under your eyes. No shadow underneath them." Akeno was checking you out. "I won't ask. But I assume you haven't had deep sleep before. Almost as you are catching up for lost time. But this letter we go here is a note from who Issei calls The Keeper. He gives people Familiars."

"Wait, like a mystical animal companion?" You asked.

"Yeah. Get this. He can't make it, but he said we can find one the old fashioned way."

"By catching them all as if I look like a 50 year old Pokemon Master or some shit?"

"It either likes you or it don't." Rias winked at you.

"So I just find my center and see what creatures come around? Am I far off from there?" You think you're going to be in this tall grass and watching the scenery as if you are a worm on a hook.

"You're not bait Hun." Giggled Akeno. "You're a client. I, Rias, Asia, and Koneko have one. We think that you can find a companion in case you get alone. We don't want you in that dark place again."

"Inevitable. But enjoying it while it lasts."

"Sounds awful." Saddened Asia.

"I cannot control who I am." I'm a Devil with a dark past. I hurt people. This is who I am. This is what I'm good at. "Though when it comes back a friend can't hurt."

I think he needs a girl a girl around. But don't think he's ready for that sort of thing. What do you think Rias?

Agreed Akeno. Lot of pressure on her. He has it built up worse than our Kiba and Issei. 

That's true. "So, ready to go on the hunt?"

"Yeah. Let's go. Hope there is something nice and laid back." You are hyped to meet your new friend.

"Maybe he is wise and mellow." Pondered Asia.

"I dig it."


You teleport and enter this realm. The sunset is similar to what you would think The Underworld (Hell) would have. A reddish shade of sunset over deep woods. It was very peaceful. Never went camping before, but in the sunset hearing animal life in the woods was a calming effect.

"You want to just do your thing?" Asked Rias.

"Alright." You close your eyes and take flight.

"It's amazing how far he's come in just a few days." Smiled Asia.

"Yeah. He's on another level. His confidence is up too." Agreed Issei.

"Maybe that's because of the ones sleeping next to you Issei Dear." Smirked Xenovia.

"But he doesn't have anyone and I'm sure he's not okay yet. I don't have a checkered past. This has been the best few weeks of his life so it seems."

You open your eyes and see you ascended around ten meters in the air. And then landing in a tree. On a giant branch and sitting there eyeing the view. "Wow... this is beautiful."

The atmosphere speaks wonders. The base of the tree seemed rather comfortable. Leaning back against it and taking it all in. Finding out where to go from here. I wonder where to go from here? In the field? Can't stay here forever. If it's sunset here in this realm, wouldn't it naturally get dark? Should I find someone that's okay with the dark?

You take a look around. Rias and company look like ants. A pond is nearby as deer and fox are drinking from it. "I can't imagine a buck being home. Might as well be a horse." You chuckled.

Still eyeing the view and thinking what is going on. Smiling at this opportunity. "So peaceful. Though," You start thinking of something happening right under your nose. "Is it too quiet?" Turning over your shoulder to look. "Do I have company?"


A look left and another to the right. "An owl?"


"Huh?" You look up. "Woah." Two branches up you see a gray owl with green irises. "Hey there. Can you come down?"

*Hoo* It descended down and found it's way onto the same branch as you. Two meters away eyeing at you.

"I'm (FN). Should I give you a name?"

The bird tipped its head forward.

"I guess that's a yes. Hmmm, how about Howie?"

*Hoo* It hovered towards you. Finding a place on your shoulder.

You smiled. "Guess that's settled. Ready to meet my friends? I'm going to fly too." Closing your eyes you start take flight again. Howie's eye are wide open. He's staring at your feet above the branch you stood on. Then he started to descend. Not under his own power either. He sat on your shoulder as you go back touching down towards the ground.

"Woah. That a bird?" Asked Issei.

"Looks like an owl that's very concerned." Observed Xenovia.

"He looks cute." Smiled Asia.

*Hoo* The owl made it's way to Asia. Of all people. Hovering next to her. *Hoo* Staring at her.

"Howard! Behave. She's nice." Naughty owl on board? It what is it?

"Well-well. Fitting. Stays awake in the dark on guard and mellow in the light. Very fitting of you (FN)." Nodded Rias.

"Yeah. Come here Howie." You call to your familiar.

*Hoo* He went back to your shoulder. "This is fun. Enjoying it while it lasts."

Akeno? Think his feathered friend is leading to something?

Seemingly so. He'll figure it out.

Problem now. There is someone else. I don't want him getting hurt.

Agreed Akeno. We'll talk about this in the bath. We need a girls bath sometime soon. Grab Sona, Tsubaki, and Phoenix.

Good idea.


This is my second familiar for a reason. You'll see.


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