36. Slow Recovery.

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Eir made it back to the arena in time for the nurses of the infirmary to report on the red-haired girl's injuries.

(He had left Laxus and Bickslow to babysit, because this seemed more urgent.)

"Ah, Eir," the doctor addressed him, holding out a dainty hand as she smiled. "There's a lot more to go after, but I'll extend the recovery instructions to one of your guildmates. I trust you will be taking this girl in?"

Little Red was asleep on the bed, evidently malnourished, war-torn.

Eir winced at the sight. (It was like looking in a very old reflection.)

"Of course," he says, dropping an ambassador pin into the nurse's hand. "I'll leave her in your hands, then. I'll come back after my match."

Gray and Cana sat on her bedside, watching warily. Gray wasn't wearing his jacket-- it was laid out on the girl as an extra blanket, because she had been shivering even under the covers of the infirmary.

"She'll be uneasy when she wakes up," Eir whispered to Cana and Gray. "Be friendly, and take her outside of the infirmary if she can walk."

Eir, for one, would definitely hate the hell out of infirmaries in her situation.

(He doesn't know her situation, but he can take a wild guess.)




Bacchus Groh had stayed outside, looking slightly tipsy but he hadn't touched his gourd of booze since arriving, as infirmary courtesy dictates.

Drinking as a teenager? Seriously, drinking laws in this world are nonexistent, are they... hold on, this kid can't be any older than Bickslow, so why is he so darn tall?

(He's about as tall as Laxus...)

"Thanks for helping out," Eir said, in lieu of a greeting.

"No sweat, buddy," Bacchus returned. "Couldn't exactly leave those kids out hanging to dry, could I? Ponytail's pretty spiky, though."

"You mean Cana?" Eir acknowledged the nickname with a chuckle. Leaning against the wall, he decides that this guy was a friendly link after all. Cana only ever argued with people she trusted, after all-- "I apologize for her. Would a meal after our match suffice?"

He doesn't remind Bacchus that he's also a kid-- he doesn't seem like he'll appreciate that.

Bacchus grins at that. "I like you, buddy! With lots of booze, got it?"

Eir chortled at that. "In moderation."

They look toward the infirmary to see Cana had come over in a rushed move, zeroing in on Bacchus in annoyance. She immediately latches onto Eir in a show of territory.

She gritted her teeth, "Eir is coming with us after his match because he's going to win and all of us are going to celebrate!" she insisted, sticking out her tongue. "You go with your own guild!"

Bacchus pouts at that, leaning down with an obnoxious grin, "oh, but Eir promised me first though. That means I've got him booked for the evening. Sorry, pony."

Cana bristled at that, "wha-- you thief!"

Bacchus stuck out a tongue at her in response, because apparently, they were both absolute brats. Then in a show of bravado, slings an arm around Eir's shoulders. "Sorry kids, but your big brother and I have a prior engagement. Toodles."

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