17. Sherry Blendy

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AN: Peek-a-Boo, I'm alive.


"So you eat those... cookies... at set intervals to decrease the amount of active magic in your body," Ur summed up.

Eir nodded, munching on one more for good measure.

They left Hohen a while ago, and they travelled to the nearest town, Misyo. Drying off at the town hall while the report goes through the national council of Isvan, they chatted in the cafe, a warm cup of hot chocolate (and coffee) in their hands.

"It's not a cure-all, though. I generally have a weaker immune system, so, as you can see," Eir paused to sigh, "I've got a fever, my children give me an aneurysm, the Guilds in Fiore give me muscle exhaustion, and-- uhm, what?"

He paused when he realized Ur was staring at him with a fond smile.

"You speak of them with love, don't you?" Ur asked rhetorically.

Eir blushed. "No!"

"What's a guild?" one of the kids suddenly asked. It's the dark-haired one, and he's licking his lips after savouring the marshmallows. Adorable if he wasn't scowling at everyone.

Eir wondered if he was the same age as Cana. He looked about that age... something like eight or nine years old?

"It's a place where wizards gather to find work," Ur explained to him. "Lots of strong mages gather in guilds, and they commute to and from there."

Eyes turned innocently to Eir.

"I wont say I"m really strong, but I'm pretty good," Eir said. Then, humbly, "from what I've seen of Miss Ur's majestic show of power in our handshake earlier--"

"--hey, I said sorry!"

"--I'm probably nothing compared to Ur, though." When Eir said that, he saw the way the two boys very clearly brightened up with pride.

"Right, right?!" the white-haired one said, cheering excitedly on the table, "Ur's the strongest! Ever!"

Now it was Ur's turn to blush. "Lyon! Stop that, it's embarrassing!"

Eir smiled warmly at that.

"Eir! I heard you returned!" someone ran in-- it's one of the nurses from the refugee center. EIr lifted his head quickly to receive the lady.

"You're the one-- how's the girl?" Eir realized what she was so worked up about.

The nurse caught her breath. "She woke up!"

Eir took off running.


And the girl was making one hell of a fuss.

Crying, screaming, demanding, throwing things-- according to the nurse's recount, at least. And Eir expected that.

That was a girl that's just lost her parents, her village, everything. Eir's met plenty of those in his past life, whether from fires, from avalanches-- and if there's anything Eir could shamefully admit, he was still so bad at handling them.

It was only about halfway there when Eir realized that, maybe, he should've brought Ur along. She was a woman and she dealt with Gray who was also a victim. She'd understand how to do this far better than Eir could.

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