14. Hidden Survivor

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Eir strangely fancied running errands.

Half of his quests were quite mundane, but this would be his first time this far out of the region. And it's cold.

In his past life, cold days were hell. There was never enough power in the heater, never enough blankets, never sufficient jackets. He hated the winter, because his hands were always chapped, his lips were always blue-- and the few toes he's missing would never grow back.

Now he soared across the field, wind bursting against his face, and he's got too many jackets to spare. Reedus gave him his old one, then Makarov shoved one of Ivan's old sweaters in his direction, and then the trend began.

He also had quite a few spares from all his modelling work.

Eir felt so, so blessed-- but he didn't need that many, so he told Cana to hand them to the kids at the church orphanage. Then he invested in a proper heater machine for the building and then a huge heated bath and then he's bankrupt again.

Eir had terrible spending habits, yeah.

Now he had gloves, goggles, and even a winter cap and winter boots. He's never felt so warm in this season before.

He touched the snow, and for the first time, it was a pleasant thing to feel, to experience. Now he kinda understood anime winter episodes.

(If only he could bring this warmth back to his kids...)

He shook his head, away from the thoughts, from the needless reminiscing.

He had better things to do.



Isvan was pretty big, but it's not bigger than Fiore. It's a whole ass country so it makes sense-- but a few thousand acres of this snow made him lose his motivation...

"Two acres north of Brago..."

Eir was rather confident in his map-reading ability, but this was ridiculous. There was nothing but snow out here. Is he trekking the North Pole? If Isvan is like this, what does Iceberg look like? Or is Iceberg filled with grass and they're pulling an Iceland Greenland on us?

(In case you're confused, Iceberg is the name of the very large country two continents east of Fiore. I've never been there, I don't think I want to be.)

"Ah, I think that's a sign. And that was a tower... so this is Nilhe?"

He came as quickly as he could, but it was dark by the time he made it. Maybe he should have rested with the caravan campers he passed by a kilometer back.

Or maybe he should've stayed in Brago, even if all the villagers had evacuated from the news of Deliora being nearby... he could've, like, stolen a bed or something... actually Master would kill him if they learned he risked a night like that. Nevermind.

Nilhe was decimated.

Barren land all around, shattered wood, and a musty overcast. Debris and blood sprayed across the ground, and the pure white snow was anything but.

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