19. Home Sweet Home

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"Oh, Jura-san! How's Eir?"

It's been two days, and Eir was still confined to the Lamia Scale infirmary.

Eir had told Cana he'd be home in two days, but mirthfully, that did not happen. They did contact Fairy Tail over a communication Lacrima, so they're not worried, but Eir still felt terrible about it.

Eir was known to fall sick for as much as being too sweaty in humid weather, but he's also known for his ability to bounce back up just as quickly.

So a rest as long as this one is definitely cause for worry.

"One thing for sure, he's not going back to Isvan for another long, long time," Jura sighed, settling down at the bar as he was served a cup of tea. "His fever's finally gone down a little, but it's not at a safe temperature yet."

"Isn't he too frail, even for whatever he's sick with?" someone asked, "he's strong enough to cut the sea in half but he falls sick when rain blows the wrong way at him? It just doesn't make sense, y'know?"

"Then again, when has that kid ever made any sense?" another guy responded with a shrug.

"Even with that handicap, Eir's strong, though. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the strongest non-S class mage in Fairy Tail right now."

"So he's like... Jura?"

There's a moment of silence.

"Y'know, they're probably our future S-class wizards, right?"

"...but who's stronger?"


In the other side of the guild hall, Sherry, Yuka, Toby and Master Ooba Babasama were reading through Professor Blendy's notes.

"I'm a Holder Type, so I don't get it," Toby said, "are all Caster Magic this hard to understand?"

"I don't get a thing either," Yuka muttered. "I've never been good at complicated magic concepts anyways. This is more in the line of the writing magics, but unlike with Runes, all the writing's in your head."

"Why is the writing only in our head?!"

"Why are you getting mad Toby, I don't know."

"This is all merely theoretical," Master Oobaba says, "all magic begins with concepts in written form. They are then condensed and simplified and passed down-- and when they start to come naturally to us, the starting theorem is forgotten."

As she spoke, she sifted through each paper with interest, nodding mutely before continuing to read through them.

Sherry was fascinated. Her father's research was his proudest work, and she would hate to see it go to waste from her own lack of understanding.

She was reluctant to hand it off to the Magic Investigations Bureau either, because-- this was hers. The only thing she had left of her father and everything he spent his life working for. She wanted to keep it for herself, not to share it with the world.

(Is she selfish to think like that?)

"It's magic like these that end up being Lost to the world," Master Oobaba explains. "It's very profound research."

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