12. It's a Fairy thing.

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"What do you want, Cana, it's 3AM."

"I demand head pats."

Eir rolled over and counted to ten in his head. No, he cannot slap a child for acting like an obnoxious little shit. No, he cannot scream into oblivion at 3AM.

So he set a hand on Cana's head. It's more like he's using it as an armrest, rather than patting her head-- but she seemed to be satisfied with that much. She brimmed with a wide smile, adorably content.

In another moment, Cana was on the bed, she's too old for this, but Eir was too sleepy to bother with it, so they just curled in together and slept under day broke.

And somehow, when he woke up, Laxus was on his other side.

The year is X774, and Eir is fifteen.

"Look, we need to have a serious conversation about you breaking and entering my house all the time."

Eir sat on the bed, the children on their knees on the floor.

"But you have a nice house..." Laxus whined, "and your bed is nice."

"Then get your own. I taught you how to use the city bank," Eir told him sharply, arms folded, "you should have enough for a decent, rented house by now."

"But yours is nicer," Laxus insisted. Eir groaned.

Eir turned to Cana.

"Cana, you're getting older now," Eir reminded her, "you're a girl. You should try and be more cautious around us guys."

And Cana stared back, blankly. "Cautious around you two? Why?"

Eir buried his face in his palm, and for a moment, he just wanted to cry in defeat. He doesn't even know why.

"How do you guys even come in, anyways? I lock the windows. And the door," Eir pointed at the particular furniture, "and I even blocked out the fireplace in case you tried, which you did like two months ago."

Cana and Laxus beamed, but didn't give an answer.

"I'm raising terrorists," Eir mourned.


"No, Eir, the terrorist here is you."

"Et tu, Master?!"


"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Eir spat.

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