21. Number Three.

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AN: One last chapter to wrap up x774! 

Sometimes I wonder if the time range of 768 to 778 is too damn long for the childhood arc. Huh? Yeah, those numbers are for the childhood arc... which is why the gif there is a kid even when Eir is a teenager now. Wait, did I never tell anyone? Oops


The next year in the timeline is a completely free year with no major events coming in, so I'm putting in completely original content! Erza only comes in the year after that, which is also the year I'm planning to finally set the stage for... oh wait. Should I just... cut off this arc at X775? Oh man, I'll need to change the date later. 

...whatever. Onto the chapter :)


"First Vandalay, now Sorcerer?" Eir asked, pointing at himself with the most unimpressed deadpan he could muster, "you guys want... this? Staring at you from your wall in the morning? Really? This?"

"Yes, Eir-kun, absolutely," the sorcerer photographer swoons with a floating heart and a lovestruck thumbs-up, "girls would literally die to have your face on their walls."

"I have never felt more uncomfortable by a job offer in my life," Eir said.

"Of course, don't worry," the man raises an OK sign, indicating a pretty penny, "you'll be compensated very, very well."

Eir's eyes glinted, instantly taken. "Take as many pictures as you want."

In the corner, Gray facepalmed.


Eir spent the next few days with Gray.

It seems like there was a magical calamity in the outskirts of the West Forest, so Laxus and Cana were hanging out in one of the nearby guilds until the trouble was sorted out and the trains began to run again.

"Don't worry, Master Roubaul has them, so I assure you, they're in good hands," Makarov had told him. Eir had no idea a guild called Caitshelter even existed, so he was not assured at all.

But he'll trust that those two can handle themselves, to some degree. Maybe they'll have another cake day, hm? Gildarts should be home soon too, if Gray's report is any indicator.

("He got arrested and then flirted with the warden? You are kidding. I am going to murder him when he comes back, that useless old geezer, what the fu--")

"Seriously, fairies, lamias, pegasi, and now, cait siths. What is Fiore, a mythical creature compilation?" Gray asked, incredulous.

"We have mermaids, titans, phantoms and a cerberus, too," Eir supplied, counting off his fingers. "We have a theme going on."

"Then what about Circus Night?"

"We don't talk about Circus Night."

It just happened to be the weekend, so Eir brought Gray along with him to Blue Pegasus, completing missions along the way and ending with a photoshoot. Again.

Classic Blue Pegasus weekend for Eir, though it's still a strange experience for Gray.

It was such a strange thing to experience, and it was much beyond the levels of 'culture shock'.

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