15. Rocky Run

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Running from bandits with a sleeping toddler in your arm is not an ideal. Eir had his other hand on the steering, biting on his inner lip so he wouldn't bite his own tongue.

"He's over there!"

Damn, the bike's making too much noise. What's with them, anyways? Pillaging from dead cities like that... scum are everywhere, aren't they? Steal whatever the heck you want, but this child and all those research notes in the capsule are mine!

Eir couldn't really use his magic while driving, neither could he wield his blade properly with a sleeping girl so close to his chest. So he just kept running.

Speaking of which, he's totally going to get hit on the head for this. Of all things, it had to be a girl that was in the box...and to make matters worse, she's probably under a sleep spell. Which means she won't wake up until Eir finds an expert to dispel it.

Regardless, these bunch of wackos ambushed him and he just had to run off. He didn't even get to pay his goddamn respects to the graves up there... alright, alright, running is priority.

There's a hum in his pocket, so he set the girl in the crook of his jacket (partially zipped so she wouldn't fall, and he'd already tied her to his belt for extra assurance anyways) before reaching into his pocket and retrieving Cana's contact card.

"Hey, Eir!"

"Hi, Cana. Good morning."

Is this the time for a leisurely talk? Ah, right-- Cana promised to call every morning because she'd never been apart from Eir so long before. Everyone was worried, too, so they wanted to keep tabs on him. Makes sense, but is this the time?

"Is it still cold over there? It sounds very windy. Static?"

"It's cold, but nothing I can't handle, woAH!!" he dodges a wave of green magic what the heck is that, "could you pass the phone-- I mean, the card to Master?"

"Eir, what was that?!"

"What was what?" Eir grinded the engine, and braced his foot on the pedal. He put the card in his mouth, and held onto the girl at his stomach before they soared off a cliff into the verge, plunging into snow and then zooming off again.

"Eir, what's going on?"

"Huh? m'driving, gimme a min," he managed to stabilize the girl again, but he put his hand on the steering to maneuver back upright-- god, this is why people say you don't use your phones when driving... but then again people also say don't carry your baby when driving, so screw that.

The card's still in his mouth, so he must really sound muffled. Let's just hope Cana doesn't get angry about that...

"Damn it! Get back here, kid!!"

"You're not getting away!"

And Eir skidded to a stop, victoriously acknowledging that he's too far out, too far down. They'd deem the fall a risk not worth taking, and now they were just shouting profanities at him from all the way up that cliff.

He raised a middle finger at them in lieu of a line of equally scandalous cursing.

Then he got on his bike, took the card out of his mouth, and continued on his way. Better get out of here before they start throwing stuff at him...

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