28. The Shift.

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"What is this? What is this?!?"

Bickslow and Levy first see the Gildarts Shift nearly seven months after they came to Magnolia. They follow the Fairy Tail crowd out to greet him, and they're almost endearingly flabbergasted.

"As usual, one hell of a big show," Eir sighed.

"W-w-what's happening?" Levy clung to Eir's coat, head swirling around in confusion. "The city is-- like that storybook I read last time--"

"No no, it's not going to stand up and start walking," he clarified before she got her hopes up. "You're going to meet someone really strong."

"Stronger than you?" Bickslow asked, stepping off to his other side. "And Laxus?"

"I'll be stronger than him one day," Laxus swore to the side, "but for now, no."

"I ripped his cloak to pieces once," Eir said. "But that's about it."


Behind him, the guild burst into a whole celebration. With the ringing of the bells, mugs and mugs of beer was brought to the table.

"It's cake day!" Macao lifted Cana into the air. The girl squealed in surprise and planted a foot in his face, but that did nothing to quell his bright grin.

"You already decided that it's cake day?" Eir turned to face him. "Master limited us to once every three weeks because of budget costs, you know that."

"Who cares, Gildarts is back!"

Laxus was already carting Bickslow and Gray toward the guild hall. He turned around, confused, "what do you mean we're not baking today?" he asked, looking almost put off.

"You guys are spoiled!"


The year is X776, and Eir is seventeen.

In the time between, Eir's little legion of children have become officially recognized as a team of Fairy Tail.

With Eir 'prospective S-class of the season' Macmillan as the essential figurehead and Laxus 'the guild master's grandson' Dreyar as the most prominent fighting force, they've garnered quite a notorious name for themselves.

"Ooh, the Eir Legion's grown! Who are the new faces?" Gildarts cooed immediately after spotting them, coming closer and reaching down to pat Eir on the head.

"Stop patting me on the head," he growled back.

"Awh. And hey, you've really grown, like, a bit!" Gildarts said, turning between Eir and Laxus twice before concluding, "yep. Laxus is taller than you now."

"No he ain't!" Eir snapped.

"Yes, we checked."

Bickslow looked toward Cana, "hey, if we're the Air Legion, would a Laxus group be the Thunder Legion?"

The girl shrugs, "I'm pretty sure he meant Eir as in his name, but probably."

Cana and Bickslow were slowly gaining their own prestige as well. Though they weren't nearly as strong as the other two, they were shaping themselves up to be quite promising as the future front forces of Fairy Tail.

"So these are the new faces? Oh, cute uniform you've got there, little lady," Gildarts turns to Levy, who smiled back up shyly, keeping a hand on Cana's.

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