5. Rowdy Trio

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"Look at that. I can't even tell if Eir adopted them or they adopted Eir."

At the tables, the three children were eating their breakfast. Eir sat in the middle, trying to down his miso soup. They had a plate of omelette rice and a plate of meat-and-potato stew on rice to share among the three of them, and for some reason, Cana and Laxus were fighting for the plate further than they sat.

Eir would switch the position of the plates around, but then they'd start fighting for the other plate instead. Eir was so done.

"You're eating everything!"

"I'm bigger than you, I am allowed to eat more!"

He can't even eat a meal in peace.

Setting the bowl on the table, he reached for a tissue, casually reaching down to wipe at the corners of Cana's mouth. The girl was still yelling at Laxus, something about him being fat, that she barely even noticed Eir doing anything.

Pouring out a cup of water, Eir set it in front of Laxus. Laxus was yelling back at Cana, proving vehemently that he was not fat, and they were muscles, then he took the cup and gulped it right down. After that, he started shouting again.

Eir was honestly impressed at how into their quarrelling they could get.

But okay. Makes his job easier on him.

"Finish the food quickly," he said, and the two beside him froze shock still. "I need to drop by Miss Porlyusica's place, so you should hurry if you want to be back by sunset."

That was probably the first time anyone saw children wolf down a meal that quickly.


"I told you last time that I hated humans, didn't I?" the pink-haired lady growls sharply at them, "why did you bring more tykes? Go away!"

Cana and Laxus were hiding behind Eir, Cana near tears and Laxus trying not to make it too obvious that he was essentially rattling in his skin.

"Eir, she's going to eat us!" Cana wailed, digging herself under the boy's coat so she could cling closer.

"I don't want to be eaten," Laxus' hands were tugging and crumpling Eir's coat to pieces, and he was making himself as small as possible behind the older boy.

(So they can agree on something. That's great.)

Eir, blank faced, just looked up at the lady.

"I'm just here to pick up the usual," he said, "and I didn't bring them along, they insisted on following me."

"It's the same thing," Porlyusica scowled, reaching into the table next to the doorway and depositing a small pouch in his hands, "here you go. Now scram."

And she shut the door on them.

"Thank you very much," Eir said, definitely unheard by the lady.

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