8. Round 'em Up

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Currently, there's an Ask my OC going on for none other than Eir!!! If you're interested in the askmyoc, you can drop a question in the other book on my profile (QUESTiON). 


"Hey, Eir, why do you say 'Enchant Wind' before doing your magic?" Karen asked, hopping over a tree root, "I've heard of Enchantment Magic. Usually it's like, super strength or all that, right? Someone in my guild does that a lot too."

Eir set a hand on his sword.

"It helps me focus, I guess," he said, "It's like how you always chant your full summoning before calling a spirit. Magic chants are a guide to stable magic channelling."

Karen made a hum in acknowledgement.

Eir continued, "Magic Enchantments, like mine-- it's when you give weapons an element-- are a little weaker than using the magic directly, but it gives me a better control over my range and what I hit."

Karen found it interesting. Enchantment Magic was more known for being Support Magic, so not a lot of people took it up. In Blue Pegasus, there was one of them. It wasn't magic you would take up without a partner.

Magic Enchantments required natural magic, or strong foes to nab magic off of, and it was also a significantly weaker alternative, so it was counterproductive and deemed unfit for acquiring in popular opinion.

Eir was confident. Well maybe he was also a total bishie but that's besides the point-- surely, he was so proud because he was strong, right? Then why was he using such tame magic? He should use something cool...

Eir stopped walking, and Karen crashed right into his back, the head of her cap jutting right into his shoulder blade when she made a soft yelp in surprise.


"Shh," Eir's eyes sharpened. "Stay here. Don't make any noise."

"But--" I'm a mage too! Are there enemies ahead? She may be young, but her spirits are useful for things outside of battles, too...

Eir gave her a little smile, patting her on the head. "You promised, Karen. Be a good girl, okay?"

She flushed red. She's being treated like a kid!

(But somehow, that isn't so bad...)

(Eir's kind of like a big brother...?)

Karen barely had time to really understand the next moment, but Eir hopped onto a branch, continued climbing, then just... disappeared.

Why-- how is he so good at climbing trees? That was fast.

So she sat down on a protruding root, and like a good girl, she waited.


"Found them," he said to himself.

Something like three hundred meters ahead. A small group of punks, all in awfully gaudy clothing. Seriously, if you're going to hide in a forest maybe you shouldn't wear sports jerseys and bright jackets?

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