1. Brooding Faces.

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"Oh, you're making a face. What's wrong this time?"

"I'm living in a fucking anime."

"Well that sounds rough, buddy. Want a milkshake?"

The boy groaned, but accepted the milkshake with a brooding expression. The ice-cold glass drenched his gloves with condensation, but he didn't quite mind. He set a palm on his chin, musing at the activity in the guild.

Enno was dancing on the table, and the adults in the guild were gawking. Macao was pretending he wasn't staring. In the other corner, little Laxus was with Master, trying to not electrocute everyone with his new Dragon Slaying Magic.

"What's with the grumpy face, Eir?"

A hand was set on his head, ruffling the white locks around and definitely trying to make a mess. When Eir shoved it away, the offending man just laughed.

"Gildarts," he sneered.

He just laughed louder. "Oh, you're so uncute," he said, "look at Laxus. He's a whole ball of sunshine and he's just two years younger. Learn from him."

"I'd be around your age if I added all the years in my past life. I do not need to be cute."

"Sure, kid."

It's the year X771, and Eir Macmillan is tired. He's only been a Fairy Tail mage for three years (and why exactly he joined in the first place, he's too exhausted to let himself think of it ever again) and everyone just unanimously makes him want to die.

Everyone treated him like a kid. He hadn't been treated like a kid since he was eight and in his past life-- ugh, memories-- so he evidently disliked the attention.

People eventually understood his discomfort and began to not smother him with love in all directions, but every once in a while someone would throw him in the air and everyone would be quite literally fighting to hug him.

God, to hell with wholesome animes. Isn't this author infamous for unnecessary angst? Where are the tortures and the dead parental figures? Bring it on already!

"You know, the world'll be a little rosier if you would just smile a little more," Gildarts said, sitting down beside him and gesturing for a mug of booze.

Curse this world and their cheesy one-liners.

"The world is a culmination of particles and elements and whatever the fuck Darwin or whoever thinks up. Colour is some other theory and all in all it's a joke concept. We are all in an illusion and I am hoping I wake up soon."

"Okay, edgelord."

Eir glared at him. Gildarts stared right back, without heat. Eir slurped on his milkshake, and Gildarts downed his booze in one shot.

The boy kicked himself off the seat, landing on the ground with a clank of his steel-laced boots against the wooden flooring. Pointing a gloved finger at Gildarts, he declared, "you're annoying."

And everyone in the vicinity burst into laughter.

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