55. Official Mission.

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AN: Hi everyone! Welcome to a new arc, new year in this story! Sorry for the wait. 

Now that we're in X778, we'll be seeing new key characters! Mainly our favourite Take-Over siblings, our Exceeds, and... well, you'll see. But before we get into those canonical additions, we're taking a little cruise ;)

Eir's finally an S-class!


The year's X778, and Eir was now nineteen.

"With the highest honour, the Guild Master Alliance formally acknowledges Eir Macmillan as an honorable S-class Wizard in the Kingdom of Fiore."

It's incredibly silly that they held a whole ceremony and everything. Eir so fervently insisted he wasn't going to Crocus for this shit— something about how the Royal Family were absolutely willing to make an appearance to make this even bigger of a deal than it had to be—

Anyways, they got tired of him ghosting their official invitation to the embarrassment festival, so they decided to just ambush him in his home.

Imagine coming home after a long week of work, just wanting to conk out and crash.

But your house is fully decorated, there's a fucking red carpet, the Royal Family is sitting on your humble porch chairs. Half the nation's important guild members and representatives are formally dressed around tables you do not own, holding catered food you have not ordered.

The kids clearly had a fucking paint fight while you were gone and they set up a huge banner over everything. There are a thousand bunnies on every guest because clearly, everyone knew very well the bunny infestation happening in this house and decided to just roll with it.

"Master, respectfully," Eir implored Master Makarov, "demote me this instant."

Master Makarov stared back.

Rolling the scroll back firmly, he hops off his podium and with the jolliest, chirpiest voice he could muster: "Alright folks, that's over! Let's get this party started!"

A huge roar of cheers drowned out Eir's protests.

"Master, I said I'm not becoming S-class!"


Nursing a headache, Eir invaded the gambling table, won Wakaba's smoking pipe in the first round, and proceeded to hide from his own party on the third floor balcony.

"Why not just accept it?"

Of course, Jura found him instantly.

Eir sighed deeply, watching the party below.

Gray, Natsu, and Gajeel (oh, was it a disaster when they reunited...) were engaged in a heated three-way fistfight, and Mest was doing his darndest to break it up. It wasn't really doing much. Eve, who had started clinging to Ren recently (and Ren couldn't ditch him because damn was he weak for the cute ones) was very interested in debating who would win in a no-holds barred fight.

Erza was with the Lamia group, bragging about the new sword that Eir gave her, Benizakura. Jellal had a similar sword, the Shichiseiken, and they were definitely cited as an up-and-coming teamup in Fiore. Being a duo of flashy, knight-themed swordsmen definitely helped their case.

The currently impressive teamup in Fiore, though, consisted of Laxus, Cana, Karen, and Bacchus— yes, them being a team of cross-guild Eir kids made them an emblem of the ambassador project as well— and honestly, their violent track record was appalling even to Eir.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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