11. Guild Shenanigans

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It all started with a forgotten sack of Forbidden Cookies.

Porlyusica went to the trouble of delivering it to Fairy Tail, only to find that her favourite kid wasn't there. He was out for a mission and it was going to take a while.

Laxus had made it home early, and heck, he was about to run the whole way across Magnolia to Shirotsume if it meant Eir got the Forbidden Cookies and scary demon hag would get out of the guild. But no, Master said no.

Laxus was allowed on jobs anywhere up and down the railway, but Shirotsume was a far distance for him to go without a guide.

Then Cana came back, Eir wasn't back yet, and then she saw the Porlyusica and started crying.

Long story short, no one in the guild knew what to do with a crying girl, Porlyusica was very, very annoyed, and Eir was nowhere to be seen.

Macao and Wakaba had to take a moment to really understand how important Eir was to the guild. Without him around, it's just madness.


"You want me to become a what?"

"An ambassador."

"And uh, what does that mean?"

"It means we'll occasionally be lending you out to other guilds to promote teamwork and good relations between guilds in Fiore."

Eir needed a moment.

First he gets fussed over a fever of all things, then he gets banned from work for two days, and now he hears he's being passed around like the latest trend among guilds?

Instead, he just sighed and asked, "why?"

"You're asking me," Makarov groaned, looking like Eir was the cause of all this-- he wasn't, he swore.

Some shitty hand at fate must have had to do with this. What other situation would he ever chance upon members of two guilds in a single day because of a series of bad luck?

"Oh," Eir realized, a hand at his face, "the fortune."

The Wheel of Fortune-- the card that divined a pivot on the roads of fate. Leave it to Cana to really, terribly, warn Eir in advance about this. Heck, how accurate are her fortunes? She should start charging for those.

Makarov sighed at that. "It's a good opportunity. Even now, we only have the council meetings to really bond the guilds together, and that doesn't do much good because the council works on orders and rules. If you act as an ambassador, we promote more interaction without needing to be facing a crisis of some sort."

Eir chewed on his inner lip. It sounded like a pain in the ass.

"So basically I have to go buddy buddy with the other guilds every once in a while?" he asked.

"Well," Makarov crossed his arms, "you could go over and take care of their kids."

"So I'm just a babysitter?!"

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