40. Little Moments.

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The hardest part of getting home was trying to get Granny Hilda to accept raising the bunnies in Fairy Hills. The guild hall would be too noisy for them, so Eir had to separately rent a lawnspace at the girl's dorm to get them safely settled.

Getting Erza back to civilization was a little tougher. First, he got her a new room. Then, a new wardrobe. Then Erza decided she was going to sleep in Eir's house anyways, and Eir began wondering just why he was paying all of that rent this whole time.

(For Cana and Levy too, they're barely using their dorm rooms...)

(But well, he'll continue paying them for now. Just in case they start understanding privacy and start wanting it.)

"Huh? You're changing the Eir pin?"

"Yeah, you're getting too many kids," Makarov said, like that's a normal thing for this seventeen-year-old, "we can't keep making them in all the guild insignias, so we're just going to make one design with your signature instead. You have to wear one too, obviously."

"Huuuh," Eir grimaced, "but that's so cheesy. Rejected."

"Rejection rejected. Sign here, now."

"This is extortion."

"It's the least you can do after landing us a billion jewels in debt, you brat!" Makarov snaps. "I'm going to make you wear the grounded sign for eternity, don't think I won't!"

"This is child abuse."

"You only ever mention your age when it's convenient to you, Eir, so you're invalid. Sit down and behave until I get back from the council."

"Yes, yes."


Eir sat opposite of Wakaba, poker cards in his hand. He tossed two, picking out another two from the deck. He abstained from using his still-injured left hand in the action. Meanwhile, Wakaba tossed five cards with a grunt, taking a new set.

"We're home!" Gray yells, barging into the guild hall with Erza and Cana in tow.

"Welcome home," Eir called among the many other voices in the guild.

"One pair!" Wakaba yelled, setting down his hand of cards with vigor.

"This is cliche, but I got a three-of-a-kind, so I win," Eir casually tossed aside his cards. Then, raising his hand at him in a 'give it' motion, "so, winner's keepers. Hand over your smoking pipe."

Wakaba wailed in despair, "oh c'mon, Eir, spare me! You can't just take away my main character trait like this!"

"I'm also against this," Macao interrupted them, "don't start smoking now, that's a bad habit. You don't exactly have the health to compromise, you know?"

But Eir wasn't listening, already taking the smoking pipe and knocking in a new batch as if he already knew perfectly how to do this.

"Eir, look!" Cana said, showing off meek little Erza behind her. "Scary grandma lady made a new eye for Erza!"

The girl, dressed awkwardly in a skirt and a button-up, seemed nervous about the lack of her eyepatch. Finally able to brush her bangs away from the horrid scars that lined the corners of the eye, (they were still visible, faintly. Porlyusica's scar-healing remedies did a great job, though,) she could finally show her full face to the world again.

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