18. Welcome to Fiore

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AN: Idk if I need to say this again but like, thus far, every girl is like, at least five years younger than him. Sherry's half his age. And Eir, if you add his mental age, is a total adult

Even Laxus is a baby in his opinion, he's not romantically interested in any of his kids, this is not a harem. There's just a lot of girl characters in Fairy Tail.


"Fiore! Fiore! This is Fiore? Hey Mister Ferry Station guide, are we in Fiore? Yes? Eir, we're in Fiore!"

Eir is feeling really very kinda awfully sick right now.

Biology does not like him, because the temperature change back to the West actually made him sicker instead of giving him an immediate recovery like he'd hoped.

(Dammit. Why doesn't anime logic apply to him when he needs it to?)

They didn't manage to find Gildarts after all. He's good at running away, so after seeing the news about a few landmasses Gildarts probably shattered in his sleep, Eir decided he wasn't going to try to look for him and came right on home.

"Eir, there are so many trees!" Sherry exclaimed, like she'd never seen a tree before or something. "Eir, look! A four-leaf clover! They're all over the place!"

The entrance kingdom, Foss, has a port town offside of the sea. It's the easternmost town of Fiore, and it's much, much warmer than Isvan.

"Hey Cana," he spoke into the call card, "I'll be in Magnolia in a couple hours."

"Master, it's incredible! There's nothing in the newspapers! Eir didn't destroy anything on his way back!"

"What? That's a miracle! Call the priest!"

Eir was irked. Maybe he should shatter a couple buildings along the way out of spite.

"Anyway," he seethed, "I need to swing by Lamia first, so you guys be there to grab my bike when it drops, okay?"

"Say hi to li'l Sherry for us!"

"Emergency Alert. Eir's status right now has gone from child-gatherer to lolicon. I repeat--"

Eir shoved the card in his pocket. Seriously, why does he bother to deal with them again?

He turned back to Sherry only to find the girl staring at him expectantly. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen the card before this, had she? Eir did all the communicating while Sherry was getting her checkup.

"This is a Call card," he showed her, passing it to her, "they come in pairs. See the Gheel writings at the bottom? They're unique and come in pairs-- so no matter where I am, I can talk to whoever has the other card."

Sherry inspected the card curiously, holding it up to the sun with interest. "So it's like a communication Lacrima?" she asked, handing it back to Eir for safekeeping.

"Pretty much," he says. Cards are portable, and aren't video calls, though.

Sherry was still staring expectantly at him.


"I want one!" she said, hands clasped together in a pleading manner, "it's be like-- oh, Love-- I mean, I want to talk to you more even after I go with Yuka and Toby!"

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