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June 13th, 2020

"I know mom, ok- yes I know- I'll see you tomorrow, love you." My mom had called to tell me she'd finally be home tomorrow after two weeks on the water.

She's been telling me she wanted to take me on a trip for my 18th birthday, so she was taking extra shifts, even though I told her it wasn't necessary. My moms always been the one to always have my back for everything, but after running away I don't deserve all her kindness.

Turning 18 has also been on my mind lately. Is fishing for shellfish gonna be the only thing I do for the rest of my life? Am I gonna stay in the OBX forever? It's still two months away, but a lot can happen in two months. Anyways, turning 18 is supposed to mean the end of your childhood and becoming an adult, too bad I lost my innocence years ago.

It's been a few days since the hurricane, but the power in the cut is still out. For days now I haven't been able to see if I'm wiping my ass enough. Back in my kook days, hurricanes were never a problem. Flip the switch to the generator and hire someone to clean your house. It's real fucked up now that I'm on the opposite side of that, I never realized how bad people could have it.

Before I could blow out the candles, so I can go to sleep, I heard something outside my house. I grabbed a bat that I had in the corner of the living room and slowly made my way to the front door. "Jo!" John B screamed. I nearly fell on my ass as he ran into my house.

"Holy shit, John, you scared the fuck out me! What are you doing here this late?" I yelled.

"Jo, I'm gonna tell you something fucking insane." I nodded and gestured for him to continue. "So you know how I told you the other day that me and my friends found that Grady White?!"

"Yeah, Scooter Grubbs' boat and the money and gun. Did you go back and check it out like I said?"

He rubbed his hands through his hair and threw himself on my couch bed. "Bitch, you don't even know," he chuckled. "So listen, I went to Ward Cameron's and borrowed some of his scuba gear and dove down to the boat and got this bag. Then these two guys started fucking chasing us and shooting at us on the water, until Kiara threw a net which blew their propeller." At this point I was so lost.

He continued, "And you're never gonna guess what was in the bag... my dad's compass. And I know what you're thinking, 'it's just a compass', but it's not my dad left a note in it. Oh shit, how could I forget?! Me and JJ went to see Lana Grubbs and those same dudes that tried to kill us were there. Then guess fucking what? They came to my house and took all my dad's research."

"Wait, so what was the note from your dad?" I queried.

"Oh, yeah it was 'Redfield'. Sounds like nothing right, except it was my great-great grandmother Olivia Redfield Routledge. So we went to her grave-tomb thing and found a package with a recording from my dad." By the end of that he was panting. His face also suddenly dropped and I know it's because of his dad.

I stood up from the floor and walked over and laid next to him in my bed. "What did the recording say?"

A smirk escaped his lips and he huffed. "He found the Royal Merchant. He did it Jo." John B then began to tear up. "Something bad happened to him, Jo, I know it."

I scooted closer to him and cradled his head in my chest. "JB don't think like that. He probably took the money and is setting up your private island as we speak."

"You know 13 year old me would've been creaming my pants by now." He joked.

I scoffed. "And what, I don't do it anymore for 17 year old John B?" We both laughed. I know what it's like to suddenly lose a parent. But now, he has none.

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