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November 13th, 2016

"You're my girlfriend it's your obligation to agree with me."

"Not when you dress like that." I countered.

Rafe scoffed, "and what's wrong with the way I dress?"

"Baby, you dress like a douchebag. We live on an island, maybe act like it." We're supposed to go the beach and he shows up to my house in an orange polo and khaki shorts. At least he stopped slicking his hair to the side. "If you're gonna wear a polo shirt every day at least un-button the top buttons."

He did as I said and showed some skin. "There's the three chest hairs I love to see!" He rolled his eyes and knelt down to me on my bed. "You're not funny." I grabbed his face and brought him closer to me. "I'm fucking hilarious." He came in for a smooch that turned into a make out.

"This bikini looks so good on you." He mumbled in between kisses.

His lips moved down to my neck where his mouth moved more aggressively. "Well duh, I'm hot." I half-joked.

He laughed. "Fuck off."

"Fuck me."

"Ok." Okay??? Is he serious or what? "Wait, what?"

He pulled his head away from my neck now hovering over me. "I'm ready to have sex. Only if you want to, of course." Consent is hot.

This is the day I've been waiting for. "Of course I want to." He smiled at my answer.

The second his shirt hit the floor there was a knock at my door. "Jo, door open when there's a boy in your room." The devil recited. I've literally slept in the same bed as John B and she knew, so why is this different.

I frustratedly got up and opened the door to meet her presence. "Why?"

"What do you mean 'why'? I'm the adult and I want open doors when boyfriends or girlfriends are over."

"To make sure we don't have sex? Is that what you're getting at? Because me and Rafe have already had sex, so if you want the door open to watch that's a little weird." She didn't seem to like that comment. I know I lied about me and Rafe being sexually active, but if that's her reason then it's idiotic.

"I don't think that's appropriate, all things considered, Jo." She stopped and gave me this look of remorse. "I'd just like to know what's going on under my roof."

A fury sparked inside me that I had been suppressing for a while. "Now you fucking care what goes on under your roof? Because you were so oblivious before, what the fuck else did you think was happening?! Fucking pathetic." I slammed the door in her face.

Rafe stood by my bed not saying a word, obviously seeing how upset I was. There's shit about me that I don't like to tell anyone, and it's sure not gonna start today. I grabbed my phone and put on my sandals before telling Rafe that we were leaving.

I reopened the door to see Norma still standing there. "Jo, that's not fair. Don't bring this up now."

I pushed passed her, holding Rafe's hand. "You're the one who brought it up."

We got into the car and he pulled out of my driveway before he pulled over half a block away. "Did I just miss something? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Rafe. I don't want to talk about it."

"You know you can always talk to m-"

I cut him off. "I said I don't want to fucking talk about it, okay?"

Fiends  || OBX/ Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now