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September 12, 2016

By the end of Sunday night I had gotten my phone back. Norma made it clear this morning that I was still grounded and not allowed to do anything but go to school.

"I swear to god, Jo and Cody, if you're not home by 3:45 you're going to be in so much trouble." Norma yelled as we both slammed the doors to her Cadillac.

"Don't worry I will." Cody unenthusiastically responded.

The first few periods went by pretty quickly, and before I knew it it was lunch.

I was walking down the stairs when I had caught Rafe's eye. "Hey, I'm leaving school now, and I'm probably gonna be grounded for the next week because of it, so if you still wanted that date it has to happen now."

Rafe cheesed. "Shit, lets go baby!" He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and walked me to his car. I didn't notice it at the party, but people were definitely staring at us, and I liked it.

"So do you have any allergies or fears?" He asked as we got into his car.

"Just my stepmom's wrath if I'm not home before 3:45." I joked. I act like I don't give a damn but I don't like being in trouble.

He pulled out of the parking lot with a smile, and so did I. "We can easily have a great time in three hours."

"You ever been on the mainland?" He asked as we rode the ferry.

"Yes, Rafe, it's not uncommon."

"Well some people haven't, you never know."

"What are we gonna do over there? You still haven't told me."

He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Don't worry it's all part of the plan."

I smiled. "Don't do that."

He looked confused. "Do what?"

"Put my hair behind my ear, and then stare at me like that."

"Why not? I thought it made girls swoon?" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him, "it shouldn't, but somehow it is. So don't do that stupid shit."

"Then what am I supposed to do?"

I grabbed his face. "Just kiss me, it doesn't get more romantic than that." He smiled and met me halfway in a short but sweet kiss.

"Well, shit, I didn't know that option was on the table." He tried coming in for another one, but I put my finger to his lips. "We're docking, let's go, Rafey."

He groaned in annoyance. "Don't call me Rafey."

We got off the ferry and walked down the pier to the beach. Rafe brought a backpack with some snacks he just happened to have in his car, and I brought gummy worms, THC packed of course.

"I know this spot we can sit and chill. It'll be nice."

"Can I ask why you're so interested? It just doesn't seem normal, you just met me." I questioned.

We reached the part of the beach that was secluded and I admit it's pretty cool. "Uhh I don't know," he started. "You just really caught my eye. That first day when we smoked, I knew you were cool, but at that party we really vibed and-," I was smiling at him and he started blushing. "Stooppp! Don't look at me."

I laughed and grabbed his hand from his face, pulling him closer to me. "No, don't get embarrassed, come here. I wouldn't have asked or came all the way out here if I wasn't interested, too."

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