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June 23rd, 2020

"Where did you get that?" He tried to grab for the letter but I snatched it behind my back.

"It was on the ground. I picked it up."

"And then broke into my house? Are you fucking nuts?"

I scoffed at his defense. "I'm nuts? Please you just wrote a letter about how I turned you on beating up Topper."

"I did not. That's out of context." He sat on his bed as I started to walk around, glancing at the holes in the walls from picture frames that held memories of us. "What do you want, Jo?"

I sat in his spinny chair. "I want to know about your undying obsession with me. Your words not mine."

"You weren't supposed to read that."

"Then why did you write it?"

His once flustered face softened. "Because I don't know what to do, Jo. Ever since you've been back I can't get you out of my head. All these feelings and memories have taken over me again."

I rolled my eyes because there's no possible way that what he's feeling is actually true. It's lust. It's all it ever was. I feel it. I look at him and want to jump his bones, but I'm not. "I know you don't believe me, and it's fine," he continued, "but you know we broke up for stupid reasons. And I can be that guy again. The guy you need."

"They weren't stupid reasons. They were serious to me. How can you say that after it made me run away?" I voiced.

He rubbed his hand through his hair. "You ran because you didn't know what else to do."

"Don't say that like you know me."

"I don't?" He stood up and walked slowly towards me. "You like mustard and ketchup on your burgers but not when they touch. Your favorite color is green but never like a lime and always like seaweed. Or how you need a night light when you sleep alone because you're so fucking scared of the dark."

I started backing up to close the distance. "Rafe, that doesn't mean shit."

"Ok, then how about when you're upset? You'd rather watch a horror movie and smoke on the roof then talk about your problems. And anytime you look at a bee it reminds you of your father." I bumped into his desk and the gap closed. "And the biggest secret of Jolene Clearwater is your whole independent confidence thing, but it's just a façade because all you want is to be taken care of."

"Rafe..."  I warned.

"Or when I grab you like this," he snaked his arm around my waist and abruptly pulled me against him. "It makes you melt."

"What are you doing?" I barely audibly whispered.

He pushed my hair behind my ear and ran that same finger across my lips. "I know you, Jo. And yeah things might've changed in the last year, but my feelings never will. We're endgame and you know that."

Sweat was glistening on his forehead. I stared into those dilated pupils knowing it wasn't because of me, but because of that precious powder. "I may want to fuck you, but I will never love you again, Rafe Cameron."

"Prove it."

At that moment I knew I would regret this later. One taste of Rafe is all I need to fall back in.

And he tasted so fucking good.

I was awakened by the boys insisting we go out on the water. I'm never one to be threatened with a good time so I was up and at em. I was gonna tell John B what happened with Rafe, but then I'd just be called a hypocrite.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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