Chapter 1

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Just a disclaimer, the characters and plot are nothing like the anime. Their personalities, interactions, and lives are different so that they can fit into my story so don't come at me.


Tsukishima's Pov:

I was currently in my room, listening to music with my headphones and cleaning my room. It was a Saturday so I didn't have much to do anyway. I finished my homework on Friday after practice because I wanted to get it over with. As I was cleaning my room, I heard a knock at my door.

It was my brother Akiteru. "What?" I asked, not in the mood to deal with him. "Aw c'mon little brother, that's no way to treat me." He said, with feign hurt. "I'm taller than you." I said with a monotone voice and continued to organize my room. "Jeez, so salty. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm going out for a little so you'll be home alone for a while." "K, bye." I said, not even turning around.

He left and I turned my music back on. When I was organizing and cleaning my dino collection, I heard a loud flop on my bed. I turned around and found my best friend laying on my bed, on his phone as if he didn't just break into my house. "What are you doing here dipshit?" I asked, trying to sound mad.

He looked at me from his phone. "Your brother let me in." I rolled my eyes and shoved him over so I could sit next to him. "What are you looking at Shrimpy?" I asked. He glared at me playfully. "Why do you ask?" "Just making conversation." He rolled his eyes. "For your information Mr. Salty, I'm looking at movie tickets. I wanted to see what was out."

"Is that why you came here? To hang out?" He propped himself up on his elbows. "Do I need a reason to just show up at your house unexpected?" He asked. "Yeah you do. I could have been out hanging out with someone or been on a date." I said, knowing that none of those would be true. He started to laugh.

"You're funny Kei. On a date or hanging out with someone else! Hahahahahahaha." I scoffed at him. I mean he wasn't wrong but he didn't have to laugh. "You don't have to laugh you stupid tangerine! I mean I have other friends I like to hang out with!" He looked at me, clearly not believing me. By this time he had stopped laughing. "Like who?" He asked, clearly waiting for me to make a fool of myself.

"Um, well, there's like, and then like, um, yeah." He started to laugh again but hugged me this time. "Oh Kei, I need to make you socialize." I hugged him back, pulling him on my lap so it was more comfortable. He was basically straddling me. "No thanks, I do enough socializing in volleyball as is." It was true, even though I didn't make too much of an effort to be friends with anyone on the team, that was still too much socializing.

Shoyo pulled back from the hug and just looked at me. "Kei, you barely make any effort to talk to anyone, unless it's to call them stupid, get into a fight, or make a salty comment." He said. I swear he was reading my mind or something. "You know me too well." I said, staring at him. "I know." He smiled widely, closing his eyes.

He was being too smug so I got up and threw him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Hey! Kei what the fuck?! Put me down you salty beanpole!!" He yelled, flailing his legs like a toddler. "Nope." After a couple minutes of struggling, I finally let him down, feeling satisfied with his punishment.

He crossed his arms and pouted, turning his head away from me to show that he was mad. "C'mon Sho, don't be mad at me. Why don't we go get some meat buns and then go to the movies." I said. He looked at me a at those words. "Meat buns?" He asked excitedly. He was like a child but for some reason I thought it was cute. Cute in a platonic way duh. (Salty bastard).

"Yes meat buns. Now it's going to be cold today so put on one of my sweatshirts so you won't catch a cold." He nodded and went to raid my closet. I always thought it was funny when he wore my clothes because they were always way too big for him. I grabbed a pair of light blue jeans, a green shirt and a black jacket and went into my bathroom to change.

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