Chapter 10

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No One's Pov:

It was the first day of winter break and the Karasuno team couldn't be happier. Some slept in late and lounged around, others went out to do something crazy, and some went on dates with their partner. Tsukishima Kei was one of the ones who wanted to sleep in late, but a certain tangerine wasn't going to let that happen. Hinata woke up at 7:30, bright and early.

He got ready and started to bike towards the dinosaur's house. When he made it to the house he knocked on the door and was greeted by Mrs. Tsukishima. "Hi Auntie!" "Hello there sweetheart, what brings you by?" "I wanted to see Kei! Where can I put my bike?" "Kei is still asleep so you can just go upstairs and wake him up, and you can give me your bike, I'll put it in the garage." "Here ya go, thanks Auntie!" Hinata went into the house and took off his shoes.

He ran upstairs and when he got to the door he opened it quietly, wanting to sneak up on the blonde. When he got into the room he ran and jumped on the bed, tackling Tsukishima in the process. He landed on top of him, waking up the blonde. Tsukishima groaned as he felt sudden weight on his back, waking him up to a smiling orange headed boy on top of him. "Why can't you just let me sleep for once you damn Shrimp?!" He groaned out, wishing he were still sleeping.

"You're wasting the day just sleeping you grumpy dinosaur. Let's go do something fun! There's a fair they just opened and I've been wanting to go! Pleeeaaseeeeeeeeeee?" Tsukishima looked over at his alarm clock to see that it was 8:00, which was too early for him. 'I'm too tired for this but he's too cute to say no to' he thought. "Fine." "Yay!" He grabbed his glasses and put them on, now actually being able to see the tangerine that was still sitting on him.

He blushed at the sight but he stopped thinking about it because he didn't want to get carried away. "Can you get off me, you're heavy." Shoyo gasped in offense and hit Tsukishima in the face with one of his pillows. "Ow what was that for?!" "That's for calling me fat!" He puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms. "I didn't mean it Shrimp. I was just joking, now stop pouting." Shoyo sent him a playful glare and giggled, getting off of him.

"Now that I'm off of you, go get dressed so we can go to the fair." "Fine fine, but go wait in the living room." "I know what to do." He said sassily, walking out of the room. Tsukishima rolled his eyes and went to his closet to pick out some clothes. Once be was done changing he went downstairs to find Shoyo talking to his mother. He wasn't exactly sure if he liked that they were close.

'Well, at least if I date him I won't have to worry about him meeting my parents.' he thought. He shook his head at the thought and interrupted their conversation with a remark, like usual. "Are you replacing me with him?" He asked sarcastically. "Yup." She said, smiling at him. He rolled his eyes and went into the kitchen to grab a snack. "Don't be jealous because I'm beautiful Kei." He said, following him into the kitchen. Mrs. Tsukishima chuckled at the two oblivious boys and went to her room.

Tsukishima grabbed a snack and they headed out. Hinata decided to leave his bike in the garage for the time being. They walked to the train station and got their tickets. When they got to the fair, Tsukishima had to hold the back of Hinata's shirt because of the look on his face. He knew that if he let go then Hinata would go running off and he didn't need that in his life. People were starting to give him weird looks for this.

"I'm going to let you go Shoyo, but you have to promise to stay with me." Hinata scoffed. "I won't go running off Kei, I'm not a child." "Sure you aren't." He let go of his shirt reluctantly. Hinata surprisingly didn't go running off which Tsukishima considered lucky. They continued to walk around for a while, playing a few games here and there, usually winning. As the day went on Tsukishima felt like they were on a date.

He knew it was a crazy thing to think but it kind of made him happy to think of it like that, which is what helped prompt his next move. He shakily moved his hand towards Hinata's and slowly grabbed it, turning to his left to avoid them locking eyes. Hinata was just looking at all the booths when he felt a hand grab his. It was warm and a lot bigger than his which he found oddly comforting.

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