Chapter 11

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Tsukishima's Pov:

It was a Friday morning and I was lying in bed with my boyfriend on top of me. I looked down at him and pet his hair, smiling at the way he hummed. He was still soundly sleeping, we had an exciting night. We spent the entire night watching reruns of TV shows and got into a food fight which we had to clean up. We had also agreed to go on a double date with Tanaka and Ennoshita today so I was going to have to wake him up at some point.

A couple days ago we ran into them at the park. They were holding hands and sitting on a blanket so they were obviously on a date. We asked them if they were together but they tried to cover it up, which obviously didn't work since there was so much evidence proving otherwise. Then they pointed out that we were holding hands as well, asking if we were dating right back at us. It was like the real life version of the uno reverse card.

We didn't try to deny it since there was no explanation as to why we were holding hands so we told them that we had gotten together. Ennoshita congratulated us and Tanaka cheered then made all sorts of comments. When he was done we congratulated them and asked them how they got together. Ennoshita explained and at the end Shoyo turned to me, telling me I owed him 20 bucks. The two had looked so confused at his outburst.

He then explained to them that we made a bet on who would confess and when. Tanaka laughed and Ennoshita was a blushing mess, embarrassed that something like this happened. One thing led to another and we agreed to go on a double date with them. I laughed a little at the memory and stopped when I felt Shoyo stir. His eyes fluttered open and he yawned. He blinked a few times then looked up at me with a sleepy smile. "Good morning Sunshine."

"Morning." I kissed him on the nose and he giggled slightly, kissing my jawline in return. "We're going to have to get up in a little you know." "Nuuuu, don't wanna." "I know baby but we have to. We promised we would go in a double date remember?" "Yeah I know but you're so comfortable. You're like a giant pillow and all I want to do is sleep."

"Well you can sleep when we come home, but for now we need to get up and change." "Where are we going again?" "We're going to the aquarium then out to eat. Don't you love the aquarium?" "I love the aquarium! Okay I'll go change." "Thank you." He kissed me and rolled off of me, almost falling off the bed. He got off safely and raided my closet, looking for one of my sweaters no doubt.

I shook my head and got out of bed, heading towards the bathroom. When I finished brushing my teeth I went back to my room to see a shirtless Shoyo in a pair of boxers. I froze and my face instantly turned pink, my nose slight bleeding. He turned around when he heard me and shrieked in surprise, grabbing the nearest thing to cover him which was a blanket. "Get out you pervert!!"

He yelled, completely pink as well. I ran out of the room and shut the door, mostly in shock over what happened. I waited for him outside the door, hoping to explain that I wasn't trying to creep on him. He came out a few minutes later, still slightly pink, but now his cheeks were puffed out in anger which looked more like a pouty toddler who didn't get the toy he wanted. "Sunshine I'm sorry I- " "Be quiet pervert."

"I'm not a pervert just let me explain." "Fine then, but if it's not a good enough reason I'll smack you." "I just wanted to go get clothes, I didn't know that you'd be changing in there. I'm sorry Sunshine." He stared at me for a second, probably trying to tell if I was lying or not. "Fine, I believe you but if it happens again I'll eat all your strawberry shortcake." I gasped. "You don't mean that." "I absolutely mean it, now go so I can change in peace."

I went downstairs, still worried for my strawberry shortcake. He came down in ripped jeans that had fishnets under them, a black turtleneck crop top, and a baby blue and black dual colored oversized jacket. The crop top was pretty short and you could see his abs and I almost had another nosebleed but I was able to calm down.

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