Chapter 4

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Hinata's Pov:

I was walking to school with crazy nerves. When I got to the front gate, Kei was waiting for me. "Hey Sho, how are you feeling?" "Nervous." I said, leaning into him. He hugged me and let go when the bell rang. "Let's go Shoyo, it's time for class." I groaned and started to walk inside. We made it through our first two classes without being bombarded by our teammates, but we did get some odd looks from some classmates because we were being friendly with each other.

The fact that we 'hated' each other was something that was pretty well known throughout the school. The rest of school went by pretty smoothly. The team didn't come up to us, and now Kei could freely sit with the group without it looking like we were forcing him to. Kiyoko and Yachi had become very close to us in the past couple months. All the peace ended when we went to practice. Nishinoya and Tanaka immediately ran to us and started to ask us a million questions.

I couldn't make any of them out, but my head was spinning from their yelling and questioning so close to my ears. "Nishinoya, Tanaka, stop yelling questions at them. Hinata is obviously getting overwhelmed." Suga said. "Sorry." "Oops sorry." They took a couple steps back. "But I am curious, when did you two start becoming friends?" Suga asked. "A couple months ago." Kei answered. "Why? We thought you guys hated each other." Daichi said.

"We didn't hate each other, we just didn't know each other." I answered this time. "I'm not in the mood for chit chat, let's just start with practice. That is why we're here, right?" Kei was getting annoyed. He wasn't a fan of people asking about his personal life. "Tsukishima is right, we should start practice." Daichi said, saving us. Kei and I changed and we started practice.

It was nice to be able to talk to Kei freely instead of just after school. Practice was fine, but I kept getting dirty looks from Yamaguchi and weird stares from Kageyama that I had never gotten before. I tried my best to ignore them but it was getting kind of difficult. I was starting to get distracted and Kei seemed to notice it.

He pulled me aside during one of our breaks. "Are you alright Sho? You seem off." "Kageyama keeps staring at me and Yamaguchi keeps giving me dirty looks and it's really freaking me out." "Really? Why?" "I don't know." "Just try to ignore them, there isn't really much we can do." I nodded and tried to compose myself. After practice, I was alone in the locker room because everyone was outside talking. While I was changing the door opened.

I looked over to see an angry Yamaguchi going to change as well. I wanted to be kind, no matter how much I disliked him. "Hi Yamaguchi." I said, trying to be as friendly as possible. "Hinata." He said, not even trying to hide the fact that he had a problem with me. I was confused as to why he was mad at me. He was fine before, and now he was all rude. I didn't really care but he had no reason to be mad at me, considering I hadn't done anything to him. When I was done I went back outside to meet the others.

I talked to Nishinoya and Tanaka while Kei changed. When he came back out, we left saying bye to everyone. "What a long day." I sighed. "You can say that again. I'm tired of all the weird looks and the, 'wow Tsukishima can be nice' 'didn't know they were friends' 'isn't that the salty guy?'. It was really annoying." He said, slightly pouting. "Why don't we go get you some ice cream?" I said, patting his back.

We went to the ice cream shop and got two ice cream cones. We decided to eat it at the park because it sounded like fun. While we were eating, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Yachi, Kiyoko, and Asahi walked up to us. "Oh hey guys, what are you doing here?" "We were going to get some ice cream! Looks like you guys had the same idea." Nishinoya said. "Yup. Why don't you guys join us after you get your ice cream?"

Kei groaned in annoyance. I sent him a glare of disapproval and he quieted down. "Sure why not." Tanaka answered this time. They joined us ten minutes later. We hung out a little and all went our separate ways. When I got home I changed and did my homework. I was really tired so I had a light dinner and went to bed.

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