Chapter 8

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No One's Pov:

Hinata was on his way to Yachi's house to talk about his possible feelings for his tall blonde friend. He was so nervous that he was visibly shaking and he was sweating, but that could have been from the heat. He always wore short sleeves because he was very hot blooded and found long sleeves to be uncomfortable. When he made it to Yachi's front door he knocked rapidly like he was being chased and needed shelter.

She opened the front door with a bright smile and a gesture for him to come in. They went to her room and he immediately took one of her big stuffed animals and hugged it. "What's wrong Hinata? You seem stressed." She was worried for her friend because he seemed very on edge. "IthinkImightlikeKeibutIdon'tknow."
"I'm gonna need you to say that but slower hun." Hinata took a deep breath and placed the stuffed animal back on Yachi's bed. "I think I might like Kei, but I don't know." "It was only a matter of time that one of you would fall for the other, but I always thought it would be Tsukishima." "What are you talking about Yachi?"

"I mean you're both very close, but in a different way than best friends are. You're practically dating, well without all the kissing and stuff, ya know?" "I mean I guess that makes sense, but I just never thought of him in that way before." "Then what happened to make you start thinking like this? Did he say something?" "No, but Natsu did. She asked me why I didn't date him even though he was my type. And when I said he was just a friend, she seemed sad." "That's odd, but she's right you know."

"What do you mean?" "You guys should go out, especially if he's your type. What is your type anyway?" "Blonde, tall, and glasses." "You seriously just described Tsukishima." "Well I didn't realize that he was exactly my type until Natsu pointed it out, then it spiralled. I started to think about him and our relationship and I just can't face him you know? I don't know what to do." Yachi walked over and gave the distraught tangerine a hug to comfort him. He hugged back and whined about life being too difficult.

"Well what should I do?" "I think you should tell him how you feel. It'll make you feel better and he'll accept, then you can get married." "Woah there Yachi, that's too much. I can't confess. What if he says no? What If he laughs? What if he tells everyone? What if he's straight?" "He isn't straight." "I know but still!" Yachi spent the next twenty or so minutes comforting and talking to Hinata.

He decided that he wouldn't confess to Tsukishima, but he wouldn't avoid him either. He would just go on like their friendship was normal, no matter how much it hurt. He spent the day with Yachi so he could distract himself from his love life and so he could relax. All this stress wasn't good for his health or his blood pressure.

When he left her house he went home and went straight to bed because he felt exhausted from all the feelings and other stuff that had happened. While he was sleeping a mini tangerine snuck into his room and took his phone. She walked out as quietly as possible, trying not to wake up her sleeping brother. When she got back to the safety of her room she shut her door and sat on her bed. Even though she was alone she needed to be quiet because her mom and brother were sleeping.

She turned on the phone and put her brother's password in. He had told it to her just in case something were to happen, and she never invaded his privacy while knowing this information, but this was just something she had to do. She pulled up his contacts and clicked on Tsukishima's name, then pressed the call button. He answered after two rings with a groggy hello.

'Kei nii-chan it's me, Natsu.' she whispered.

'Natsu? What are you doing with Shoyo's phone?'

'I took it so I can talk to you.'

'What did you need then?'

'I wanted to talk to you about my brother.'

'What about your brother?'

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