Chapter 7

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Tsukishima's Pov:

I looked over to see Yamaguchi sitting next to me. I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Hey there Kei." He said cheerfully. "Don't call me that." I said in a monotone voice. I was honestly so over him and his bullshit. "Come on Tsukki, don't be like that." "Don't call me that either." He let out a sigh through a smile, but he was obviously frustrated. "Well anyway, what are you doing here all by your lonesome?" "None of your business."

"Why are you being so hostile?" "Why do you think?" "Well that's why I'm asking." "You honestly make me sick." At this point I was at the end of the bench, wishing I hadn't sat here. I just wanted to be anywhere else but here. "You're being really unfair right now." "What about my attitude is unfair? Was I the one who left you for the person you hate most with no warning? Was I the one who deserted you? Was I the one who insulted your best friend after you moved on? No. That was all you.

You have no right to talk to me like nothing ever happened. You have no right to call me by first name or by Tsukki, and you have no right to insult Shoyo. And do you know what? I'm glad you left because I found someone much better than you. You and the king deserve each other so have a nice life Yamaguchi." I was already standing because I got pretty heated and I stomped off, leaving a shocked and slightly teary Yamaguchi on the park bench.

I was really pissed off and I only knew one way to cool down, but that didn't really seem like an option right now so I did the next best thing, I went to get a slice of strawberry shortcake. When I got to my favorite cafe, I got a little table and waited for someone to take my order. When I got my order I started to eat but while I was glancing around, I spotted a tangerine walking in through the door. I froze and felt my cheeks heat up at the sight of him in a skirt.

When he came in he spotted me and sat down across from me. "Hey Kei!" "Hey Shoyo." "What's wrong? You look upset." That was fast. I hated and loved that he knew me so well. "It's nothing Shoyo." "As if I'll believe that, now what's going on with you?" We were interrupted by a waiter who took Shoyo's order and left. "Fine, I talked to Yamaguchi today." "Why would you do that?" "I didn't want to, but I was sitting on a park bench and all of a sudden he was there."

"Well you seem more than irritated, so what happened after he sat by you? Did he insult you or something?" "No, he tried to act as if we were best friends and he even tried to call me Kei." Shoyo seemed surprised at the last part. "Wow, well what did you do about it?" "I told him off and left. I said that he had no right to try to talk to me after what he did and that he and the king deserved each other." "How did he respond?" "I didn't give him the chance to respond, I just walked away, but I did see his face before I left. I think he was about to cry."

"Really? Wow, I didn't really expect that but it's deserved I guess." The waiter came back with a hot chocolate and a piece of strawberry shortcake, placing it in front of Shoyo. I had kind of gotten him obsessed with strawberries like I was which I thought was funny. "Well, enough about him, what have you done so far today?" I asked, knowing that once he started there was no stopping him.

His eyes lit up as he started talking and I just listened, occasionally nodding. I watched as he made different faces while he was describing his day like it was an adventure, wanting so bad to just kiss him because he was so cute. I must have spaced out because he wasn't talking anymore and he poked me with his fork. "Earth to Tsukishima Kei. Are you alright? Did I bore you?"

"No I just spaced out, that's all." "Alright, I was just wondering because you were just staring at me." When he finished his food we paid and left, aimlessly walking while he talked about whatever came to his mind. I chimed in every once in a while but I mostly let him talk. Ordinarily I found people as energetic as him very annoying, they just never shut up. But for some reason, I never really got tired of him, something about him wasn't socially draining.

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