Chapter 6

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No One's Pov:

It had been a week since Suga's talk with Kageyama and Hinata, and things had been a little off. Kageyama and Hinata hadn't talked, which wasn't that odd, but what was odd, was that Tsukishima and Hinata weren't talking as much either. This lack of communication really confused and concerned Tsukishima. He hadn't been to Shoyo's house all week, or been out with him. He was starting to think that Shoyo was sick of him, so he did what anyone would do, he went to Shoyo's house on Saturday to get some answers.

He knocked on the door and there was no answer. He knocked again and heard footsteps near the door, and was greeted by a confused tangerine. He seemed surprised, wondering why the tall dinosaur was at his front door. "Come in Kei." He stepped aside and let the dinosaur in, still confused. They went up to Shoyo's room and Kei snapped. "Why have you been ignoring me?" "I-I'm not sure what you mean." "You know exactly what I mean. You've been ignoring me ever since Sugawara talked to you and the king and I want to know why.

What could have possibly happened that you won't tell me or talk to me?" Kei was starting to get angry and Shoyo could see that. "It's not that I don't want to talk to you, it's just that I can't!" "Why not?!" "It's embarrassing!" "What could possibly be embarrassing to you?" "Kageyama asked me out!" He yelled, then covered his mouth with his hands, not meaning to have said that. Kei blinked, trying to comprehend what the tangerine had just said.

"He... What?!" Kei was furious for some reason. He didn't understand why, but the thought of the king asking out the tangerine made him so angry that he was practically fuming. "Kei please calm down it's not that big of a deal!" Shoyo exclaimed, hoping to calm his friend down. "No big deal?! That bastard punched me in the face!" Then it was Kei's turn to cover his mouth. "What?! So that's what happened to your eye! Why didn't you tell me?!" "Why didn't you tell me he asked you out?!"

Shoyo was about to retaliate when a knock came from the door. A small tangerine looking girl peeked her head through the door. "Are you alright onii-chan? I heard yelling." "Everything is fine Natsu, don't worry." "If you say so." The little tangerine closed the door and little pattering footsteps could be heard leaving his doorway. Shoyo cleared his throat and got back on topic. "I didn't tell you that he asked me out because I was embarrassed and I didn't really want to talk about it.

I didn't plan on telling anyone, but Suga questioned us at practice and Kageyama told him that he asked me out and that I rejected him." Kei let out an internal breath that he didn't know he was holding when Shoyo said he rejected Kageyama. "Now that I've explained, it's your turn." "Well, when I was walking to the cafeteria I realized that I needed to put some of my books back in my locker so I went there first. While I was putting them away, the king walked by."

"You made a remark didn't you." "Maybe. Anyway, when he walked by I asked him what it was like to be friends with a piece of broccoli instead of a tangerine and he punched me in the face, breaking my glasses." "Oh my gosh." "Yeah, then he walked away, mumbling something under his breath." "But your glasses were fine when you came to the table." "They were my spares." "Oh."

They spent a bit talking about what had happened to them and reconciled. Then they continued to share their week and what they missed because they hadn't talked. They ended up watching a movie in the living room and got dragged into playing dress up with Natsu. They played for a while until Kei said he had to go home. Shoyo led him out and they said their goodbyes.

When the door closed, Kei took out his phone in a hurry and started to speed walk away from the house. He called Kiyoko, hoping she would answer.


'Kiyoko I need help'

'Why? What happened?'

'I think you were right'

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