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Tsukishima's Pov:

I feel like I'm having a heart attack, seriously, oh Jesus. So just to speedily catch you up Shoyo and I are in college and I'm 22, he just turned 23, I am at a ring place and I'm freaking out, like actually freaking out, and Shoyo is at home with a fever, so not exactly great timing on my part but it's the only time I can be gone without him coming with me. "Dude just look around and pick a ring." Kuroo groaned. "It's not that easy you rooster bastard." I was trying not to yell because this is a nice place. "I'm sure he'll like whatever you pick out bro." Bokuto said, trying to comfort me.

I've been struggling to pick a ring out for Shoyo for the last hour and this is just at this store. You see, I've been planning on proposing for a couple months now and have still yet to find the perfect ring for the perfect boyfriend. "Just look around some more, I'm sure you'll find what you want." Kuroo said. "I hope so because it doesn't seem like it's gonna happen. I sighed and looked at a case that I somehow hadn't seen yet. While I was looking at the rings there was one that caught my eye. "It's perfect." I breathed out quietly. It was a black titanium wedding band with a gold band around the center and two small peridots in the middle.

I know it's no diamond but I think Shoyo prefers less flashy things, even though it is quite eye catching.

"You found one?!" Kuroo asked excitedly and a little loud

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"You found one?!" Kuroo asked excitedly and a little loud. Bokuto cheered and came running over. "Which one is it? Let me see let me see!" They both got excited easily and I just hoped they weren't drawing too much attention to themselves but I couldn't bring myself to look away from the ring. It was almost as if i thought it would vanish if I took my eyes off if it. "How much is it?" I asked, looking up for the first time. "Can you point to the one you want?" There was a lady who was patiently helping us and I think she was relieved that I finally picked something.

I pointed to the ring and she brought it out. "It's $250." It wasn't a bad price and I bought it, but I had to get it resized for Shoyo's little finger so I couldn't take it home right away. We did everything we had to and then we went to celebrate, which meant food and strawberry shortcake. "Well I'm glad you finally found a ring because now you can stop freaking out." Kuroo said, patting my back. "Shut up." "He's right Tsuki bro, you've been freaking out for the past couple months, now you can relax." "How can I relax when I don't have a place or idea on how to actually propose?"

"I'm sure it'll come to you, just calm down okay?" Bokuto said. "Now let's get you some strawberry shortcake!" Kuroo slapped my back. We ended up getting the shortcake to go and some soup from another place to go because Shoyo's still sick. When I got to the apartment I heard coughing and sniffling. "Sunshine I'm home!" "Welco- cough- back Moonlight!" He couldn't even get through the sentence without coughing. I felt so bad because on top of the fever he had a sore throat. I put the shortcake on the kitchen counter and got a spoon for the soup. "Baby, can I come in?" "Yes."

I heard another cough and a sniffle. I opened the door and shut it behind me, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed and kissing his forehead. "Don't kiss me you'll get sick." He said, weakly pushing me away. I just laughed and kissed the tip of his nose. "I wouldn't mind getting sick if it means I get to spend more time with you." "That's so cheesy. You're such a softy." He said, laughing a little. "Well it's your fault." I said, flicking him. "Yeah but I like it, it's cute." "Why don't you get some rest Sunshine, and when you wake up you can eat the soup I brought you."

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