Chapter 2

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Hinata's Pov:

It was Monday morning and I was dragging myself to morning practice. I had my backpack on and my bag. When I made it to school, I ran to the gym. Normally, I'd run with Kageyama, but ever since the Yamaguchi and Kei incident, I've done my best to ignore him and have as little contact with him as possible.

At first, Kageyama wanted to be best friends with Yamaguchi and me, but I thought what Yamaguchi was disgusting and I couldn't associate myself with them. Kei thinks that Kageyama dumped me, but it was the other way around. I didn't really mind that, it didn't matter to me what people thought. I was happy that Kei and I were friends now. He was my best friend, much better than Kageyama was. Yamaguchi can have him.

When Kei and I started to get close, I realized that my relationship with Kags was toxic. I constantly felt belittled and hurt when I was with him. There were a few moments that he was nice but I could count them on my fingers and have some left over. It wasn't tsundere behavior, it was just toxic. Ever since I've stopped talking to him, I've been happier and just better mentally. My grades have even gone up, with Kei's help of course.

When I got to the gym, I was alone. I was usually early so that I could stretch and get a couple spikes in. I went into the changing room and started to change into my volleyball stuff. When I was done, I heard the door open. "Hey Sho." "Hi Kei. You're here early." I stated. Kei didn't like to be early. He just shrugged. "I woke up early so I thought I would come early. Besides, I knew that you would be here already." I giggled. He knew me pretty well at this point.

He got changed and we played a little bit. People started to come in and I could hear some whispers and I felt some strange looks towards us. "Shoyooooo!!!" "Noya-saaaaaaan!!" "Shoyooooo!!!" "Noya-saaaaaaan!!" It was Nishinoya. "What are you doing here with Tsukki? You guys aren't even fighting." He pointed out.

I chuckled. I was going to speak when Kei cut in. "Don't call me Tsukki." Noya just rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I got here early and so did Tsukishima, so we just decided to practice a little. We haven't been here long so that's why we haven't gotten into an argument." He nodded and went about his business. I mentally sighed. That was too close for comfort.

Kei looked at me with relief in his eyes. To anyone else, they'd just see annoyance, but I could read him. The rest of practice continued on as normal. I spent the rest of the school day with Yachi and texting Kei. Because Kei and I were keeping our friendship a secret, the only way I could talk to him during school was through text.

Yachi already knew so she was fine with it. Kiyoko also knew, and they had agreed to help us keep it a secret. It was currently lunch time and I was sitting with Yachi and Kiyoko. We made it look like we forced Kei to sit with us so he could actually sit with us. This was getting really annoying.

We were talking about random things and made plans to go to the mall on Saturday. I was excited because I needed new clothes. No one really knew this except for Kei, Yachi, Kiyoko, my mom, and Kei's mom, but I liked to wear feminine clothes sometimes. I wanted to go to the mall to get new skirts and dresses.

When lunch was over, we said bye to Yachi and Kiyoko and headed to our next class. Kei and I had the same class so it wouldn't be weird that we were going the same way. After school we had practice again to prepare for our next practice match with Nekoma. Practice was pretty normal. At the end of practice, Kei and I were asked to put everything away so we could "learn to get along". We would have pretend fights to keep the others from being suspicious.

When everyone left, we started to clean up. We talked about random things and when we were done we started to walk to my house. "Are you gonna stay over tonight?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll just text my mom that I'm staying over." "Okay." He texted his mom and she said it was fine. Kei's mom was very nice and she seemed to like me, which I was glad about.

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