Chapter 9

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No One's Pov:

Ennoshita woke up and put on his uniform, still nervous for what he was going to admit. When he got to school he saw his friends Narita and Kinoshita talking by the lockers. It was still early so not too many people were around. When Ennoshita walked up to them they noticed that something was off, he seemed really nervous. "Hey Enno, what's wrong? You look nervous." Narita asked, a little worried for his friend. "I have something to tell you guys, but can we do it outside?" "Sure."

They went outside and stood far away from everyone. "So what's up?" Kinoshita asked. Ennoshita took a deep breath and started. "I like someone." His friends eyes widened, they weren't expecting that. "Wow, that was unexpected. Who is she?" Ennoshita gulped at the question, they expected it to be a girl. "I-It's not a girl." He whispered out. "I didn't know you were gay?" Narita said. "Yeah, well I am." "Again I ask, who is it?"

Ennoshita covered his mouth and coughed out Tanaka's name. His friends were confused. "Who did you say? I couldn't understand you." Narita said. "Tanaka." He looked up to see his friends in pure shock. They weren't moving, they just had wide eyes and their mouths were gaping open. "G-guys? A-are you alright?" Kinoshita was the first to snap out of his trance. "Y-yeah I'm good, I just wasn't expecting that." "Yeah, I really like him but he's straight."

"And how do you know that?" "Have you seen the way he throws himself at Kiyoko? I have no chance with him." He was starting to bum himself out with what he was saying. Narita had come back to his senses at this point. "Nonsense Enno, I'm sure he likes you. Besides, most of our team isn't straight so your chances are pretty good." Ennoshita shrugged, feeling a bit better and he felt a huge weight lifted off his shoulders because he finally confided in people.

The bell rang for class to start and they all went to their designated classes, each thinking about what they had just talked about. Narita had decided that he wanted to help his friend out by finding out Tanaka's sexuality, and what better way to do that then ask his best friend Noya? He would first ask Enno if it was okay to do of course, he wasn't going to do anything he wasn't comfortable with.


It was after practice and everyone had left except for the three forgotten ones as they liked to call themselves. Ennoshita and Kinoshita had been assigned to clean up but Narita decided to stay with them to tell them about his idea. When the two had finished cleaning everything up Narita told him about his idea to talk to Noya. "No way, absolutely not. There's no way in hell we're getting him involved." "Come on Enno, he's his best friend. He must know his sexuality."

"Again, there's no chance I'm letting him know that I like his friend, that's a terrible idea. He'll just go tell him that I like him and then my life will be ruined." Narita looked at Kinoshita with pleading eyes that said please help me out and Kinoshita sighed, rolling his eyes. "I think we should do it Enno, we don't even have to tell him why we want to know, we can lie or something." "I still don't think it's a good idea." "We all know that he can keep a secret, he kept the fact that he was dating Asahi for like 2 months."

"I guess, just let me think about it for a while." Narita cheered and Kinoshita smiled with a look of triumph on his face. They got all of their stuff and headed to their own respective houses. When Ennoshita got home he decided that he wanted to make some progress in his relationship with Tanaka. He wasn't going to confess or anything, but he still wanted to be close to him.

Even though he had developed a massive crush on his teammate, he was still able to act as if he just saw him as a friend. He became quite good at controlling his reactions. Naturally, when Tanaka touched his shoulder or invaded his personal space his face should heat up and he should get flustered, but somehow he was able to keep his face normal and his attitude the same. He got out his phone and texted Tanaka to come over so they could do homework together, knowing that he couldn't reject him because he needed help in school.

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