Chapter 3

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Tsukishima's Pov:

It was Saturday morning and I was getting ready to head to Shoyo's house. We were taking the train to get to the mall to meet up with Yachi and Kiyoko. I wore a black jacket, white t-shirt, and a grey beanie. I also wore some black jeans and some green converse. When I was done changing, I grabbed my phone, wallet, and house keys and left.

When I got to Shoyo's house, I knocked on his door. He was wearing my green dino hoodie, some white adidas, and I'm guessing shorts. I couldn't tell because my hoodie went down to about his mid thigh. "You ready to go?" I asked. "Mm I think so. Wallet? Check. Keys? Check. Phone? Check. Okay, yes I am. Let's go!" He locked the front door and we started to head towards the train station.

It was a twenty minute ride to the mall. When we got to the mall, Shoyo texted Yachi and Kiyoko that we were there. They texted back and said they were by the fountain. We made our way to the fountain and spotted them. "Yachi! Kiyoko!" Shoyo yelled, running towards them. "Hello Hinata. Hello Tsukishima." Yachi said. "What do you guys want to do first?" Kiyoko asked.

"We should go shopping!" Shoyo was very excited. "Let's go!" Yachi was usually very quiet, but she got excited whenever we all went to the mall. Yachi and Shoyo ran ahead of me and Kiyoko, going straight for Hot Topic. You wouldn't think that two little people like Shoyo and Yachi with very pastel looks would like to shop at Hot Topic but they liked their clothes and I didn't argue. (I like Hot Topic. I really like their skirts.)

Kiyoko and I followed behind them, not running, but walking fast enough to make sure they didn't get lost or get into any trouble. When we entered Hot Topic Shoyo and Yachi were already in the skirt section. They ran around the store and picked out clothes to try on. "You don't want anything from here?" I asked Kiyoko.

"Nah I'm good. It's not my style. What about you, no skirts?" "That's Shoyo's thing, not mine." She gave me a look that I didn't get. "What's with that look?" "Nothing nothing." I rolled my eyes. "I don't believe that." "Fine. Are you and Hinata only friends?" "Yeah, why?" She looked at me again. "Are you sure? I mean, you guys are really close. I mean, him and Kageyama weren't even that close." "The king's an asshole."

"I mean yeah, but you didn't even call Yamaguchi by his first name and vise versa. I mean I guess you did have nicknames for each other, but you guys had known each other for years and you've only been close with Hinata for a couple months." I mean she was right, but I don't know, my relationship with Shoyo was different.

"I guess I see what you mean, but we're just friends." "Alright, but if it changes, you know that Yachi and I support you." I nodded. "Kei, Kiyoko! Come help Yachi and I! We're going to try on our outfits!" Kiyoko and I walked to the changing room by Yachi and Sho. We sat in the chairs they had and waited for them to come out in their different clothes.

Yachi got a shirt and Shoyo got a skirt. After about an hour of shopping, we started to get hungry. Kiyoko and Yachi got some pizza, I got some rice and steamed veggies, and Shoyo got some ramen. When we were done eating, Shoyo and Kiyoko wanted some boba so we went to find the place that made it. Sho got mango and Kiyoko got green tea.

Nishinoya's Pov:

I was at the mall with Tanaka because I needed some new knee pads and some more shorts. Tanaka just wanted to go out so we went to the mall. While we were walking around I saw Yachi and Tsukishima talking outside of the boba shop. That confused me because Tsukishima only really talked to Yamaguchi and he didn't seem to be around.

"Hey bro look." "What is it?" Tanaka asked, looking at the stores. "It's Tsukishima and he's hanging out with Yachi." "No way! I didn't know they were friends?" "Me neither." All of a sudden Kiyoko and Hinata walked out of the boba shop and went to where Tsukishima and Yachi were standing.

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