Some Info

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Okay first of all hello what's up? It's been a long minute since I've added anything to this story since I've finished it but I just created an AO3 account where I'll be posting more fanfiction stories. I'll still be posting original stories and stuff like that here but this story along with new stories will be transferred and/or created over there. Let me know if you want to see more Haikyuu stuff or any other fandoms.

I also wanted to ask if you guys would be interested in a Q&A about the story and stuff like that. I've seen all your comments so if you have any questions about the story, or just things you wanna know then leave a comment. Is that something people like or want? Who knows. One last thing, why did no one tell me my story summary was jacked up? I've just started the process of transferring things and I read the first sentence which made no sense. Why did no one tell me? 😭 Okay rant over I hope y'all have a great day.

P.S here's a picture I drew of Hinata in a strawberry dress because it's criminal that there aren't already drawings of him wearing one.

S here's a picture I drew of Hinata in a strawberry dress because it's criminal that there aren't already drawings of him wearing one

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