Chapter 14

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Tsukishima's Pov:

"Have you seen my comb moonlight?! I can't find it!" Shoyo yelled from the bathroom. "It's in the medicine cabinet!" I yelled back. "Why is it there?!" "Because we didn't have any more room in the drawer!" "Okay weirdo! But we seriously need to clean this bathroom up soon!" "We'll get to it!" "Yeah right!" I chuckled at him and got my phone off my charger, checking the time. Hitoka was throwing a huge party because we just graduated. It wasn't really a big thing, but it would definitely get crazy. One was thrown every year by one of the members of the graduating class.

Noya was the one who threw the party last year and it was wild. I ended up in a tree and they had to get a ladder to get me down. Our old teammates were invited of course, they came to every graduation party. The new first, second, and third years didn't come because it was more like a family thing. We considered everyone who was going family if that makes sense. We were going to be late soon if we didn't hurry up. "Sunshine we have to go like now or we'll be late!" "I'm coming just give me a sec!"

He came out in a cute outfit that almost made me have a nosebleed but luckily there was no blood in sight.

He came out in a cute outfit that almost made me have a nosebleed but luckily there was no blood in sight

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"How do I look?" He asked, giving a little twirl. I got up off the bed and grabbed him, pulling his little body towards me. "Absolutely beautiful. I could just take you right here." I said kissing his neck. "Get off me you pervert we have a party to go to." He gave me a smirk and playfully hit my chest. Grabbing his hand I dragged him out the bedroom and out the door of our apartment. "You're lucky I already had my phone on me or I would've hit you for dragging me."

"I can't help it, you're just so small." "Shut up." He locked the door and huffed, walking away and leaving me behind. I liked to push his buttons but I knew when to stop because if I didn't then I'd be sleeping on the couch. I caught up to him and we went down to our car. I drove of course, I could actually see over the steering wheel. I smiled to myself, knowing his reaction if I had said that out loud. His cheeks would have puffed out like they always do and he would have made a hmph sound then ignore me until I apologized.

We started to drive to Hitoka's house and I started to think about how much everything changed over the years. Shoyo and I had bought ourselves an apartment a couple months ago that was close to the school and we've been living there since. We spent so much time with each other that we practically already lived together. Our parents paid for it and we helped out with the bills with our part time jobs. We had been dating for almost four years now, our anniversary being in 4 months.

It's been like a dream and we don't usually have any serious fights. There was one exception though. It was so bad that we almost broke up, but I don't want to get into that right now. We were luckily able to work through our problem and we haven't had a big fight since, not wanting to go through that again. Our old teammates were doing great too. Suga and Daichi were engaged but planned on getting married in about a year and a half, wanting to finish college and stuff before jumping into such a big thing that was very expensive. They were living together as well.

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