Chapter 5

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Hinata's Pov:

Kei and I were walking around Tokyo with Kenma and Kuroo. Kenma and I were talking while Kuroo annoyed Kei. We stopped at a café and got some food. Kei got strawberry shortcake, Kenma got an ice tea and a macaroon, I got the mango shortcake, and Kuroo got a piece of tiramisu. We ate and chatted, it was mostly Kuroo not believing that we were friends.

"I still don't get it, how did you two become friends? You're like polar opposites, it just doesn't make sense." Kei rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and neither does your friendship with Kenma, but you don't see me talking about it." "Kei, be nice." He rolled his eyes at me. That seemed to be his go to move these days.

"Yeah Tsukishima, be nice." "Shut up Kuroo, you're making too big a deal out of this." Kenma chimed in. He had been playing a game because he had already finished his food. "Kenmaaaa, you're supposed to be on my side!" Kuroo whined. "Shut up." Their relationship was odd, I had to admit that.

After that, we paid and left the café. I took some pictures and we even got to hang out with Nishinoya and Tanaka, much to Kei's disapproval. He wasn't a fan of their loud nature he liked to say, which made me confused as to why he was friends with me, but I never questioned it too much. We went to a few more shops but it started to get late so we had to say bye to Kenma and Kuroo.

We made it back to the hotel and packed up our stuff, which only took five minutes. We met up with everyone in the lobby and started to load into the bus. Kei and I sat in the back again, of course, wanting to be in our own little corner. On the way back, Kei fell asleep on my lap. I didn't mind, he had trouble sleeping sometimes in new places so I was glad he was getting some rest.

I went on my phone and watched some videos, just enjoying the bus ride. Everyone was pretty chatty, which meant that the bus wasn't really quiet, but I didn't mind it. I kind of liked the noise, it was nice. Every once in a while, Noya or Tanaka would get a little too loud and then get scolded by Daichi and Suga. Other than that, it was pretty uneventful.

When we made it to the school parking lot, it was 10:30 at night so we were all pretty tired. I woke Kei up and we got out of the bus. His mom was the one picking us up, so once we got our bags we looked for her car. I was staying at his house over the weekend because my mom had a work trip. My sister was staying with our grandparents and I was staying with Kei.

We finally found her car and got in. "How was the match kids?" She asked when we got in. "It went well, we won." I said, getting situated. "What else did you boys do?" "We explored a little of Tokyo with some of our friends." I was answering her since Kei refused to. He was still cranky from being woken up so he didn't feel like talking.

When we got to his house, I went up to Kei's room. "Do you want to take a shower first, or do you want me to go first?" He asked. "I can go first, I won't be too long." "Alright, do you have any clothes?" "I brought some shorts, but I need to borrow a shirt." He nodded and went to one of the drawers. He gave me a white shirt of his. "Thanks."

I got my stuff and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done, I came back to the room. I was wearing my shorts and Kei's shirt, which hid my shorts because it went a little past my mid thigh. I also had a small towel on my head that I was gonna a use to dry my hair. "You can go shower now." "Kay." He came back about 10 minutes later with a towel around his waist.

I was watching TV on his bed. "Why aren't you wearing any clothes?" "I forgot them." "Well go change and dry off faster, you're getting water on the floor." He rolled his eyes and took some clothes, going in his closet to change. He came out wearing a black shirt and grey basketball shorts and sat next to me. "What are you watching?" He asked. "The Office." "Oh okay." We watched a couple episodes and Kei ended up falling asleep on me.

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