Chapter 12

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Hinata's Pov:

Goin back to school after a break was always difficult for me, but it was a little less difficult when I realized that I would get to see Kei everyday, not that I already didn't. I got changed into my uniform and got my stuff, ready for school for once. When I got to the gates Kei was already waiting there. "Hey bubs." "Bubs?" "What you don't like it?" "No it's cute, I just wasn't expecting it. Anyway, morning Sunshine." "Do you think we should tell the team about us?"

"Why not, I wouldn't mind telling them." "Okay then." I grabbed his hand and we headed towards the school. The day was pretty standard, well besides Kiyoko hitting us for not telling her we were dating. Yachi had to calm her down but she wasn't too happy about it either. Everything was fine but we knew that it would get crazy when we got to practice. I just hoped that Ennoshita and Tanaka would announce their relationship too so the attention would be taken off of us a little.

I knew that Kei was nervous because he wasn't really prepared for the wrath of Sugamama. When we got to the outside of the gym Tanaka and Ennoshita were there, seemingly getting prepared. "What's up guys?" I asked. "Oh hey guys, we're just trying to get ready to tell the team about us." Ennoshita said. "We are too." Kei answered this time. "Oh that's cool, so I guess we'll all be under the wrath of our team." Tanaka said, trying to joke. He laughed but I could tell that he was really nervous.

Ennoshita took his hand and squeezed it, rubbing his thumb against his hand for comfort. Tanaka looked at him and smiled, kissing him for a second, making me squeal a little. "You guys are just the cutest!" They both turned crimson. "Are not." "Are to!" "Well you guys are cute too." Ennoshita was embarrassed which was always a funny sight. It was our turn to turn pink. Kei cleared his throat, trying to change the topic.

"We should head in the gym now so we won't be late. Who wants to go first?" "We will." Tanaka said. Still holding Ennoshita's hand he squeezed it, looked at him, and opened the door with his other one. I grabbed Kei's hand and we walked into the gym behind them. When we got inside everyone's mouths were wide open. Daichi was the first to speak. "Okay I need someone to explain what's happening right now."

Random Pov Switch

No One's Pov:

Tanaka spoke first. "Ennoshita and I are dating." There was silence for a few seconds which was broken by cheers. "Hallelujah he finally confessed to him!" Nishinoya yelled. Kinoshita and Narita were responsible for the other cheers, happy that their friend had finally confessed to his crush. Yachi was clapping and she congratulated the two on their relationship, trying to play it off as if she hadn't spied on them when they kissed for the first time and even took pictures.

Kiyoko congratulated them as well, still a little sad, but she had spent the entire winter break with Yachi who helped her get over him. It took a minute for everyone else because they all thought Tanaka had a thing for Kiyoko, but they all congratulated them on their relationship. "Okay now that we got that settled, what is going on with you two?" Suga was the one to ask this time. Although Ennoshita and Tanaka had felt a big weight lifted off their shoulders they were still worried about their friends.

Over winter break they got closer and went on a couple double dates together, now knowing about everything that happened between the two, Yamaguchi, and Kageyama, so they were worried about how they would react to this. "Shoyo and I are dating." Tsukishima said, straight faced but going crazy on the inside.

(Tsukishima on the outside)

(Tsukishima on the outside)

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