Side Chapter

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Happy Pride Month everyone! In honor of pride month I'm making a short fluff chapter. It doesn't really do anything to the story so you can skip it if you want. For those who want to read it, enjoy!

Tsukishima and Hinata were currently in matching clothes, walking around the zoo and just having a good time. Their hands were interlocked and they both had genuine smiles on their faces. They had decided that they needed to go on a date since they had just been staying at their houses. Hinata's mom said that they were spending too much time together and that they needed a break so Shoyo wasn't allowed to sleep over at Kei's house and Kei couldn't come over to Shoyo's house.

 Hinata's mom said that they were spending too much time together and that they needed a break so Shoyo wasn't allowed to sleep over at Kei's house and Kei couldn't come over to Shoyo's house

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(They're wearing these outfits but without the bags)

They didn't like this arrangement but they couldn't do anything about it. Hinata's mom finally agreed to lift her ban so they went on a date as soon as possible. They had decided on the zoo because neither of them had been to one in a while and it sounded fun. They had already seen the lions and monkeys and we're walking to see the tigers. When they got to its habitat it was sleeping on a rock that was shaded. Shoyo took pictures and Kei was switching between watching his boyfriend and looking at the tiger.


They spent a lot of the day at the zoo and took a lot of pictures together. When they got hungry they decided to go to a café that was close to the zoo. The café was cute and was painted a pastel yellow. The inside of it was very cute and colorful and they decided to order a couple's special. After they ate their food they paid and went back to Kei's house.

They both got into onesies that Shoyo had persuaded Kei into buying and made popcorn so they could watch a movie. Shoyo got blankets and stuffed dinosaurs while Kei got the popcorn and some other candy they both enjoyed. Kei sat down and Shoyo sat on his lap, his favorite place to sit. They covered themselves in the blankets and dinosaurs and watched the movie while eating their snacks, occasionally dropping some in the abyss of the blankets.

In the middle of the movie Shoyo moved his head and kissed Kei's cheek. "What was that for?" "For looking so cute." He immediately had a pink blush on his face, not knowing how to deal with the sudden compliment. This was actually something that Shoyo enjoyed doing. He liked to randomly give Kei compliments during odd times because he thought he looked cute when he was caught off guard.

Kei liked the compliments but they always caught him by surprise and he could never prepare for it, which sometimes meant that he would turn into a tomato in public. It once happened at a grocery store and Shoyo held up a tomato to his face, saying that he couldn't tell the difference in shades. The movie ended but the boys continued to cuddle and catch up on missed affection.

Kei had laid down, Shoyo still on top of him. He was playing with his hair while Shoyo rubbed small circles on his chest with his hand. "I love you Shoyo." "I love you too Kei." "You know one day you'll have to change your name right?" "What do you mean?" He looked up at his boyfriend, slightly confused as to what he meant. "Well when I marry you you'll have to change your name because I'm not changing mine."

He stated this like it was an obvious fact and he didn't just suggest that they were getting married at some point. Shoyo turned a bright red with his mouth wide open. He didn't know what to do with himself after that. "BAKA!" He yelled, hitting Kei's chest, but not hard enough to actually hurt. Kei chuckled. Kei 1, Shoyo 0 he thought.


See I told you it was short. Anyway I hope you liked this little fluff thing I did. I hope it was good enough to be considered fluffy so yeah I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

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