ONE |Levi Ackerman|

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(A/N, imma start trying third person hope you enjoy this story)

3rd person POV

It was a perfect night for a walk as a young man is scene walking around the deep dark woods.

His name is Levi he takes daily walks in the woods to enjoy the piece and quiet he has compared being at home.

Levi was no other than a werewolf....but he was different. Most werewolf's feed off human flesh but not him and his friends....

Reason one is he finds it disgusting eating humans considered he's half one. And reason two he never had a problem with the humans and would want to keep it that way.

Most werewolf's and other wereanimals respected him because he was an Ackerman....

His bloodline is the strongest werewolf's you could ever face but most people also don't take him seriously due to his small height.

If you were smart you would stay out of his way and just respect him.

He lives through the same shit everyday, takes care of his comrades and cleans.

He is a clean freak and doesn't care what others think if it. At the same time if you ever made fun of his height or obsession you would die....

Levi Ackerman wasn't your average werewolf....that's for sure.

Levis POV

Tch those damn brats are so annoying, can't even get some peace and quiet.

I walked these trails thousands of times and they always took me to the same place.

I finally reached my destination so I pushed aside some vines that showed behind a bueatiful view of the moon reflecting off the lake....

This was my safe place the brats know nothing about and as well as no one else....

I liked it mother showed me this place when I was young and we both kept it a secret.... unfortunately she died when I was 4...

I sighed and listened to the cicadas make noise and heard the leaves rustle against eachother....

The moon was so beautiful...yet I hate it with a passion....every full moon I turn Into that stupid mindless beast....I could control my transformation normally but not on full moons...I go berserk....

As I continued to enjoy the peace and quiet I heard a jolted me awake... probably another human being devoured....

I heard the scream go silent....tch stupid beasts not keeping their dinner quiet....

I got up and left I decided to return home hoping those brats didn't burn down the damn house.

I was walking when all of a sudden a woman ran crashing into me. I lost balance and she collapsed on me.

"What the hell?...."

She looked up and she seemed out of breath "we need to run come on!"

She got up and grabbed my hand and pulled me as she began running again.

"Oi what the hell are you running from!"

"Werewolves!" She said nervously.

I tched and stopped then pulled her back she fell on her butt.

"Eh what's wrong?" She said nervously.

"Your kinda neive no offense...." I said coldly.

She burrowed her eyebrows "what do you mean by that"

I sighed then showed her my fangs "I'm a werewolf too dumbass"

Her eyes widened "shit...." She mumbled.

She then looked down and starting laughing "well I've been fooled...just go ahead and eat me...."

I grimaced "fuck no that's disgusting".

She looked at me then frowned "a little harsh...I'm not that ugly".

I shook my head "didn't say that, I just dont eat humans"


I cocked my head "don't believe me?, Well that's too bad I was going to save you but hey who would trust a werewolf" I said Walking away.

"Wait!, Wait! Sorry..." She said quietly.

I chuckled "that's what I thought".

We were Interrupted when the werewolves finally caught up to us they were In a normal wolf form so they weren't as dangerous.

"There she is finally" the blonde wolf said out of breath.

"Yeah I'm so hungry right now" the reddish brown haired one said.

She scooted back against a rock scared.

"Oi scram you brats" I said walking in front of her.

"Ehhhh? We saw her first and we ain't giving her up" the reddish brown haired one said angrily.

I chuckled "watch yourself brat....I'm not in the mood" I said grinning.

The blonde wolf took a step back and transformed back to human "shit....what are our chances running into you"

I shrugged "slim I guess but I do know one Interrupted my evening walk bastards"

The reddish brown haired one turned back to human and growled "tch like I fucking care"

"Oi shut your trap you even know this is" the blonde said sternly.

"Eh??, Who cares who he is, he has our dinner!" Floch said.

"That's Levi Ackerman dumbass he could kill us in SECONDS....let's just go" the blonde guy said pulling his friend away.

They both left and I looked at the woman who was now relaxing.

She stood up "EHHHHH?, Are they scared of you?, How strong are you?, are you a boss? Are you-"

I walked up behind her and hit a pressure point on her neck causing her to pass out.

I caught her before she hit the ground....tch this woman is loud does she want to attract other wolves?

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, I'll take her to my place for the night since I don't know where she lives....

Tch damnit why am I even helping her anyway...shes just a filthy human like all the rest....

I arrived home and saw the brats in the living room playing bored games.....they made a big ass mess.....

They all flinched up when I walked into the living room.

"L-levi y-your home" Eren said nervously.

I glared at all of them "you have 5 minutes to clean up this mess..."

They all jumped up and got to work cleaning until my cousin noticed I was carrying someone.

"Um Levi why do you have a human body?" She asked.

Everyone stopped cleaning and looked at me.

"She is just someone I saved on my walk im taking he home tommorow so if anyone dares to even think about touching her I will make sure you have extra chores for the rest of the week understood"

They all nodded and went back to cleaning. I took this woman into our guest room so she could sleep. I placed her gently in bed and pulled the sheets over her.

I left the room and got a personal lock on her door so no one could enter it besides me because I had the key.

Stupid woman.... should know better to walk in these woods.....

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