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Levis POV

I walked out of the cabin and saw Kenny's second hand waiting for me....

She stands up and looks at me "you finally woke up...."

I sigh "what do you want to discuss caven"

"Well sir there really isn't anything to be discussed because you are coming back with me to the Ackerman clan"

I shake my head "no I'm not...."

Her eyes widened "what?"

I sigh "I can't go back....not now, I never intended to taking Kenny's position and I plan to never take his position...."

"Well sir, you are the next in line to the throne.... generally speaking"

I sigh "then you can take over"

She laughs "I couldn't, I'm not an Ackerman"

"But you were Kenny's best soldier, right?"

She nods "yeah?"

"And he placed his trust in you as well, right?"

She nods again "yeah? What are getting out of this?"

I sigh "Kenny doesn't just trust anyone you would have to be pretty special to him to really trust you"

"Why does that matter?"

"If Kenny was here right now he would have chosen you to step forward.... Ackerman or not"

She looks down "but Ill be rejected...."

I sigh "so?, Aren't we all rejections at this point?"

She sighs "I guess so"

I grin "then you have nothing to worry about"

She nods "thank you Levi...."

I sigh "make him proud...."

She nods "I will try sir"


"Are you not taking this position because of your girlfriend?"

I sigh "yes and no, I never intended to take Kennys place so I ran away a long time ago.....and now hanji is pregnant with my kid and I refuse to leave her side abandoning her...."

"What if you loose your shit again"

I grin "I'm sure hanji will slap some sense into me.... bringing me back"

Caven sighs "well I wish you good luck  in your fatherhood"

I nod "thanks, take care of the clan"

She nods and transforms into a wolf running deep into the forest....

Mikasa walks up next to me "why didn't you suggest me?"

I sigh "Because you're too young....I don't want you stressing over that kind of position"

She nods "will I have to take the throne one day?"

I shrug "maybe, maybe really depends if the Ackerman clan will still continue when it comes to your chance"

She nods "so....what now then?"

"I plan on moving in with hanji so I could help her more often in her pregnancy stages"

Mikasa nods "are you worried?"


"Your kid.....Levi it could be part werewolf meaning-"

I finish her sentence...."meaning they will have a hard time in the real world?"


I sigh "I believe one day some werewolves will be accepted into the human world but that may take years..... honestly being a worse than any curse to exist....."

She nods "the real world is a dark place....."

"Indeed it to answer to your question im not that worried...."

Her eyes widened "really? Why so?"

I grin "Because my child will be strong just like their parents.....they will go through hell in the real world but I will be there along the way helping them....."

"Well Levi....I wish you best of luck..."

I nod "another thing is since I won't be here often someone will need to be in charge" I look at her and grin.

Her eyes widened "really!?"

I nod "yep, your the only brat who I can actually stand compared to everyone else"

She smiles "I won't disappoint you Levi"

I nod "good because if I come back and the cabin is destroyed or a filthy mess.....your all dead...."

She nods "yes sir"

I sigh "well I'm going to see hanji...."

She nods "ok"

Me and Mikasa walk inside and I see hanji talking with the other brats.

"Oi four eyes" I get her attention and she smiles.


I signal her to my room and she gets the idea and follows me into my room.

"So? did it go?"

I grin and walk over placing my hands on her hips "I am going to stay with you....if that's alright"

She smiles and wraps her arms around me "it's fine with me...."

I pull her into a gentle kiss and then hug her tightly....

"I wont be leaving you or our child anytime soon....I've found someone else to lead the Ackerman clan...."


I shake my head "she's too was Kenny's best soldier....she agreed to take the position in my place"

Hanji sighs in relief "I'm we can both help eachother...."

I kiss her cheek "yeah....and then our little bundle of joy will come...."

I rub her stomach of where the non existent baby bump will be.

She laughs "and then we can be a happy family...."

I nod and lay my head in the crook of her neck....

"I love you so much hanji...and I'll make sure you and our family will be protected...."

She laughs softly and I feel her stroke my hair....

"I love you too Levi....and I will try to change this world for werewolves and humans....and for our future kid"

I chuckle"I have a feeling this won't be our only child....."

She laughs again "you are correct!"

I sigh "that's fine by me...."

She hugs me tightly and kisses my cheek "I'm excited for our future....."

I grin "me too hanji...

Me too......

the man in the woods {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now