TWENTY-ONE |family business|

372 17 13

Mikasa's POV

I really can't believe I'm doing this but he's my only option left....

I Introduced moblit to everyone and they seem to getting along.

Eren walks next to me "so....who are we getting?"

"You'll see"

We keep walking until two werewolves stopped us.

"Stop right there pretty lady only people from the Ackerman clan can enter"

I sigh and show him my wrist "I'm here to see my distant family member"

The guard growls "only you can come but they may not"

"They are coming with me"

"Sorry but-"

"They will come..." I cut him off glaring at him.

"Why should I care"

"Because if something happens to them while I'm gone the first person to know will be Levi Ackerman himself and I don't think he would be very pleased if he found out something happened to them or me, do I make myself clear"

The guard gulps "you may enter"

"Thank you"

We enter and the place is a full of thugs and children who don't have homes.

"Where are we?" Eren asked.

"My old home"

We kept walking until we reached a shack.

"You guys wait here I'll be back"

They nod and I walk inside.

I keep walking until I reached some guards.

"What do you seek from master Ackerman"

"I need to talk to him"

They nod and escort me to a room in the shack.

I keep walking until I stop in front of a chair.

"Master Ackerman you have a guest!" The guard yelled.

I saw a man walk up to the chair I recognized him right away....

"Oi, oi, oi, oi!, Can't a man get some decent sleep"

"Sorry master but you have a visitor"

"Well if it isn't my distant nephew!" He laughed.

"Hello Kenny...."

"What brings you here?"

"I need your help"

"My help? That's a first"

I frown "it's about Levi"

He lifts an eyebrow "kuchels brat?"

I nod "yes"

He sighs and sits down "what did that rascal do now"

"He got himself captured and we need your help rescuing him"

Kenny laughs "hell that's the funniest shit Ive heard all day!"

"I'm serious Kenny...."

"I know you are kiddo but I ain't helping that disrespectful brat"

"But you've looked after him for almost his whole life....and right now he may die"

"Like I care, serves him right"

"How can you say that!"

Kenny chuckles "kid you don't know nothing between me and that boy.....he was my greatest accomplishment until he ran off with his friends and never came back"

the man in the woods {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now