EIGHT |the news!|

522 21 10

Levis POV

While we were walking in the woods I couldn't stop thinking about how that man just assaulted her....I don't know why but I was still furious about it.

I look up at her and she was smiling Happy as ever could be....is she always like this?

"Oi four eyes what are you all cheery about"

She smiled "I enjoy playing boardgames AND this time I'm playing with werewolves"

I sighed, figured it would be about us because that's all she damn thinks about is werewolves.

We reach back to the cabin and Eren was outside fighting with jean.... again.

They both seemed like they were fighting for awhile so I decided to break it up.

"Oi brats brake it up or your cleaning for the rest of the year!" I yelled annoyed.

Eren saw me then panicked, him and jean stopped fighting and smiled

"um welcome back boss" Eren said nervously.

I nod "we brought the board games so let's go play"

The kids get excited and we walk into the cabin with the boardgames.

"So what game are we playing first!" Eren asked eagerly.

"Hmm well there is monopoly that all of us can play" hanji Said.

"Alright how do you play!?" Eren asked again.

Hanji then let out a huge sigh "well it's kinda complicated but I'll try my best to explain"

1 hour later...

"Ok...so do you guys get it...." Hanji said tiredly.

Everyone nods it took over 100 questions but we got it.

We began playing and at first it was kinda complicated but then it all started making sense there was one objective....make alot of damn money. The brats were struggling at first but soon got the hang of it. In the end I won easily even surprised hanji considering she went bankrupt.

"Wow Levi you did good for your first try" hanji said surprised.

I shrug "it's not a hard game"

Her phone went off and she checked and it was her friend moblit.



"EHHHHH really the festival is this weekend!?"


"Nah I'm not gonna go you should know by now especially since the stupid bring a date thing there is a big thing and I have work"


"Well yes I am dating someone but he isn't into that stuff" she said nervously. "but  moblit you can go you should get a break and enjoy it sorry I'm not gonna go"


"Ok bye"

She hangs up and looks at us.

"Eh sorry about that" she apologized.

"Who was that? And you have a boyfriend?" Mikasa asked.

"Oh just my friend moblit he was inviting me to the festival this weekend and no I don't I only said that because he thinks I do....long story don't worry about it"

"What's a festival?" Armin asked.

Hanji dropped her phone and her eyes were wide.

"You don't know what a festival is???"

the man in the woods {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now