TEN |Festival|

434 22 1

Hanjis POV

It was the day! It was finally the night of the festival I was getting ready and I was happy with what I was wearing.

I wore some skinny jeans a nice jacket and a scarf.

I walked into the living room and all the kids were ready to go to the festival. Even Levi was ready to go which didn't surprise me.

"Alright let's go!"

They smile and we get in my car to leave. I drove us to the festival area and parked the car.

"Ok before we leave here are the rules"

They listen closely.

"One, don't leave me and Levis sight
Two, don't talk to strangers
Three, don't touch anything that looks valuable
Four, stay away from the food....Sasha"

"What!?" She threw her arms in the air.

"And last but not least have fun!"

They smile and nod "thank you!" They all said together.

Levi looked at them "oi brats hide your fangs as best as possible"

They nod then we get out of the car.

They were eager to go everywhere and that's pretty much exactly what we were gonna do.

We started with the food area, I bought a lot of food for them, Sasha was chowing down some turkey legs and some hot dogs.

I then got an idea the festival does a eating contest to see who eats the most amount of food the people give you.

I signed Sasha up and she was already freaking out.

"Thank you so much hanji!" She cried hugging me.

I smiled and hugged her back "your welcome"

Then I heard the man say the contest was about to start.

Sasha joined the others and we all rooted for her. If I was being honest she had the biggest advantage out of all those people.

"On your marks..... get set.......go!

Sasha started chowing down her food as fast as she could the contestants looked at her wide eyed while eating.

After a few more platters of food the contestants started getting full but not Sasha she was eager to have some more food. After the other contestants tapped out Sasha was announced winner.

We all yelled at Sasha congratulating her, all she did was smile as she held a little trophy for her prize.

She walked to us and smiled "look hanji they gave me something!"

I smiled "yeah! That's a trophy it's a little something to remind you that you won this contest"

She smiles some more "I want to do it again!"

"How about next year alright"

She nods and we move on to the other activities.

We started playing the carnival games we came across the hammer game where you test your strength.

The man smiled "hey there little man how about you show your pretty little lady how strong you are"

He was talking to levi, I kinda laughed but levi just glared at the man.

"She's not my girlfriend" he said coldly.

The man laughed "why don't you just come and try it"

Levi sighs then walks over to the game and picks up the hammer.

I saw the man whisper something to levi then levi gripped the hammer tighter and went and striked at the target with the hammer.

He slammed it on the ground making the little thing shoot up hitting the bell.

Levi looked at the man then left returning back to my side.

"What did he whisper to you?" I asked curiously.

"Don't worry about it"

I groaned "don't be like that levi"

He shrugs "it's not important"

We continue with the games then I saw historia attempt to win a prize but failed. I saw this girl come over and easily won the festival game and gave the prize to historia.....it was really cute.

Eren and Jean of course were arguing at a game because Jean won something for mikasa but she gave it to eren because he didn't win anything....

I look at levi and he's just frowning the whole time....

I sighed "come on levi at least look like you are having fun"

He glares at me "I'm trying"

I roll my eyes and grab his arm dragging him to some games.

"What the hell four eyes" he said angrily as I pulled him to the games.

I stopped at one where you have to hit a certain amount of clowns to win a prize.

"I'm gonna Win you something levi!"

He tchs "good luck"

I smile then pay to play, the first two rounds I lost....but the third round I got close and was about to hit the winning shot but I hit the clown but it didn't fall over....stupid rigged game....

I hear levi sigh then nudges me "let me try" he says.

I nod and pay for him to play, he looks at the clowns carefully then throws his first shot knocking the clown over.

He then throws again knocking another clown over.....us he trying to show off or something?

He hits another...then another and for his final shot he went for a hard one....the little clowns that are hard to hit.

He throws the ball and hits straight onto the clown....he won on his first try!?

"Congratulations sir you won! Pick your prize!" The man did pointing at the big prizes.

Levi looks at me "what do you want" he asked.

I looked at the prizes and it showed a big husky, I pointed at the big husky and the man got It for us.

"Hope you and your girlfriend have a wonderful evening!" The man said as we walked away.

Levi tched "why do people keep assuming we are dating"

I shrug "maybe because of what you did and how you are always with me"

He shrugs "I guess so"

I look at my prize and smile "thanks levi!"


"For winning my prize you dumb dumb"

He shrugs "I couldn't stand how you kept loosing so I just went ahead and did it and you would have kept loosing money"

I sigh "rude"

He shrugs "not a nice person"

I smile and hit him playfully "that's why you need me!"

He looks at me and raises and eyebrow "you?"

I nod "yup!"


I smile "well because I'm a energetic person and you well...you're a very boring and a un happy person"

"Is that it? Was that it just to insult me?"

I laugh "I wasn't finished, but as I was saying we equal each other out you know, that's why we are good friends because we both annoy each other In some way and we are both ok with it"

He looks at me and sighs "I guess you have a point"

I hug him "thanks for being my friend"

I hear him Tch "yeah, yeah whatever now Will you get off me you're covered in germs"

I laugh and let go of him and we keep enjoying the festival with the kids....

the man in the woods {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now