TWENTY |help|

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Hanjis POV

I watched the men shoot Levi and he started to slowly return to his normal self....

Why did they tranquilize him....

"Hey get that woman, she's also wanted by the boss"

Shit that's my cue, I turned around and started running....I'll come back for you Levi.

"Hey! Well don't just stand there go after her you DUMBASSES!" I heard one of the men yell.

I needed to reach the forest, I left my phone in the cafe....

I saw a crowd of people in front of me I need to blend in with them since most of the people scattered the area near the building.

I looked behind me and the men were getting lost in the crowd. I wasn't looking were I was going and I ran into someone.


My eyes widened "moblit!"

I grab his hand and pull him out of the crowd into a alley way.

"Hanji what's wrong?"

I took a deep breath "alright moblit I need you to listen to everything I say.... Because everything I'm about to say is true"

He nods "what is it?"

"You know the explosion that just happened...."

He nods "yeah"

"Well I was over there on a date with my boyfriend who also is by the way a werewolf-"


"Shut up let me finish"

He nods "sorry"

"Well he went to go save people from the rubble and ended transforming into a werewolf to help a woman but then he was captured by some men by my guess are bad they are after me and I need you to do me a favor....please"

"What is it?"

"Do you have your phone?"

He nods "yeah, here"

He hands me his phone and look up the location for Levis cabin where the kids are staying.

I show him the phone "I need you to go here and tell the teenagers here, that me and Levi have been captured by a bad man and we request help...."

"T-thats in the forest hanji!"

"No shit Sherlock!"

"What if I get attacked"

I grab his collar "I wouldn't be telling you to go there if you would get attacked, now would I?"

He nods "sorry..."

I sigh then I hear the men coming... shit.

"Take this" I hand him a piece of my clothing.

"Give this to one of the kids, You need to go, don't trust anyone besides these teens....please moblit I need you to do this...."

He nods "you can count on me hanji"

I smile "thank you...."

He nods then he goes the opposite direction of the alley way while I run to the area where the men are....moblit please be careful.

Moblits POV

Werewolves! Hanji has been with a werewolf this whole time!?

Many questions rushed into my head but I pushed them away....I need to go to this location.

I run to the entrance of the forest....well here goes nothing.

I enter the forest and follow the location hanji told me to go to.

I never been in this forest and I had to admit....I'm terrified.

I kept running until I reached a this the cabin?

I took a deep breath....please let this go smoothly.

I walk up to the door and knock....

"Coming!" I heard a boy say.

I see him open the door "hey Levi-"

He stopped talking then stared at me.


"INTRUDER!" He yelled then I saw more teenagers come....oh shit.

The boy tackled me and pinned me on the ground holding my arms behind my back.

I look and they are all surrounded me.

I see a girl with black hair walk up to me then bent down to look at my face "how the hell did you find us"

"I-im not here to hurt you I promise!"

"Why should I trust you?"

"I have a message from hanji!"

She lifts an eyebrow "what did she say?"

"Please let go of me and I'll say because you are really hurting my arms right now" the boy kept pinning my arms behind me.

The girl looked at the boy "let him go Eren"

The boy named Eren lets me go and gets off me.

I stand up and sigh "she said that her and Levi have been captured by bad men and request help...."

The girls eyes widened "w-what!?"

He grabbed my collar "what the hell happened to them!"

"I don't know much! But hanji said that Levi was captured because he was seen transforming into a werewolf and that bad men are after her!"

The girl let's go of me "are they hurt?'

"I don't know about Levi but hanji had blood on her head....who knows what they are doing to them now..."

The girl looks down, then she looks at her friends or siblings "everyone get ready! We need to go save them!"

They nod and take off into the cabin.

The girl looks at me "I apologise for harming you...but my name is Mikasa"

She holds out her hand, and I shake it "it's alright, I'm moblit one of Hanjis friends"

She nods "just in case this enemy could be dangerous we are going to need more help"

"More help?"

She nods "we are just kids, sure Levi taught us everything we know but we can't go save them without knowing what kind of enemy we are dealing with"

I nod "well I don't know how much help I may be but I certainly can try"

"Here follow me"

I follow her to a storage room near the cabin.

She opens it then starts touching the ground in the storage room until a piece of wood came up. It was a secret opening.

She pulled out a gun and some bullets.

She sighs "this was for emergency but here take it"

"A gun?"

She hands me silver bullets "use them wisely we don't have much but we got as much as we could from hunters a long time ago"

I nod "ok thank you"

We reunite with the others and they all seemed Ready.

"What's next Mikasa?" Said the bald one.

"We are going to get help"

"From who?" Said the blonde boy.

She stays quiet and sighs "from an old family member...."

the man in the woods {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now