NINE |shopping|

485 24 11

Hanjis POV

The sleeping arrangements were fine I slept in my room and Levi slept on the couch while the other teens slept in the guest rooms or in the living room with Levi on a inflatable mattress.

The morning was interesting I was woken up by an angry Levi.

"Oi four eyes get your ass out of bed!"

I groaned then got out of bed I walked into the living room which was spotless like every room in the house.

I saw some of the teens awake on their phones jean was observing the TV.

"Hey hanji what's this?"

I smile "it's a TV you can watch movies and TV shows"

I turn on the TV and the teens look at the TV in aw. I switched the channels and I put on SpongeBob SquarePants.

I saw Levi in the kitchen frowning as he was looking at all my stuff.

"Having trouble little one?" I laughed.

He growls at me then sighed "where is your pots and pans"

I show him where all my stuff is kept and I showed him the fridge

I opened it up and he frowned "what the hell shitty glasses there is nothing in here to cook"

I sighed "well I don't necessarily cook and I live alone so I'm not going to have alot of food"

He sighs then grabs the eggs and bread.

"I'll make eggs and toast"

I smiled "thanks Levi!"

"Yeah whatever"

He begins cooking and now all the kids were up Watching TV I walk in and they were watching a different show called avatar the last airbender.

It wasn't the first episode but it was still in season 2 when aang, sokka and katara meet toph.

I enjoyed this show alot and I saw the kids liking it too.

"Hey jean that sokka dude reminds me of you" Connie laughed.

"Hey! Sokka is cool he seems cooler than you" Jean argued back.

I laughed they are pretty funny to be around "that katara girl is annoying" Mikasa said coldly.

"Hey I like her!" Historia said.

Mikasa shrugged "can we all agree Armin is definitely aang" Eren said Laughing.

Everyone nodded and Armin frowned.

"Eren you can't be Laughing you're just like that zuko kid!" Connie said Laughing.

"No I'm not!"

"Yeah you are!" Everyone said together.

Eren tsked and frowned "y-yeah whatever"

"Sasha who do you like?" Armin asked.

"Oh definitely uncle iroh he's so nice to his nephew? I think thats his nephew Because he keep saying he is"

I agreed with Sasha Iroh was one of my favorites.

We kept Watching some more of the show as random episodes continued playing.

"Oi brats breakfast is ready!"

Everyone ran to the kitchen and sat at the table. I walked up and sat with them then Levi served all of us.

Then he sat down with us and we began to eat. "Thanks Levi its amazing!" I said smiling.

Everyone agreed and said thank you, he nods and continues eating.

the man in the woods {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now