TWENTY- TWO |rescue|

372 15 1

Levis POV


Zeke laughs some more.

"Its seen here when we ran diagnostics on Mrs Zoe, there is something starting to form inside of her"

" do you know that...."

"With our advance technology we can tell when her hormones are off before any pregnancy test or doctor scanner can do"

A forming inside of her....

"Well isn't this amazing" he sighed.

"What should we do sir?"

Zeke strokes his beard "go ahead and kill it, it's no use for me"

"NO!" I yelled.

The doctor nods and walks away.

"Dont! Don't you dare kill it!"

I felt adrenaline flowing inside of me....they can't kill it...

"Please....don't kill my child...." I said quietly...


"I'll behave...and I'll do whatever you need me to do....just don't kill the child inside of her...."

Zeke grins "is that so...."

"Please...." I never acted like this before but if it meant trying to to protect my child....I'll do it.

Zeke laughs "ok then, but you must do everything I tell you or the child is dead"

"Ok...." I felt powerless....

He gets on his phone "pieck, don't kill the child we need it alive.....for now"

He hangs up and looks at me "alright Ackerman let's get to business shall we?"

He came up to me with a syringe and poked it into my body. I saw the syringe fill up with my red liquid.....

"Perfect now let me take this to the scientists, I'll be right back"

I sighed and looked down.... hanji....please be ok....

I couldn't stop thinking about how I'm going to be a father....I never thought I would be capable of ever being a father.....

If we get out of this I'll take care of hanji and hopefully our soon to be child....

"Connie move you are pulling my hair...." I heard whispering.

I lifted my head and kept listening following where it leads.

"Shut up sasha or someone will here you!" He whispered yelled.

"Says the one whispering loudly"

"Shut up!" I hear it coming from the vents.

"Oi brats! I'm in here"

"Was that Levi, Connie stop I think this is the right room!"

"Yeah your right I see him!"

I hear the vent door open then I see Connie crawl out of the vent then sasha was behind him.

"Levi!" Sasha said happily.

I grinned "hey kid"

"Hold on Levi I'm going to get you out of those chains" Connie said messing with some buttons.

"How did you guys know?"

"Hanji" sasha said. woman.

the man in the woods {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now